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The 500 lb AN-M64A1 is an American-made bomb weighing in at 500 lbs (226kg) produced from WWII to the Korean War. This bomb is most commonly found in the arsenals of American and French aircraft. Other nations can find this weapon on their aircraft, but are rare and almost always found on US export aircraft.

Vehicles equipped with this weapon

Vehicles equipped with this weapon
F2G  F2G-1
F4U  F4U-1A · ▄Corsair F Mk II · F4U-4 · F4U-4B · F4U-4B VMF-214 · F4U-7
F8F  F8F-1 · F8F-1B · ▄F8F-1B
Hawk  Hawk III
P-39  P-39N-0 · P-39Q-5 · ▄P-39Q-25
P-40  P-40C · H-81A-2 · P-40E-1 · ␗P-40E-1 · P-40E-1 TD · ▄P-40F-5 Lafayette · P-40F-10
P-47D  P-47D-22-RE · ▄Thunderbolt Mk.1 · ▄P-47D-22-RE · ␗P-47D-23-RA · P-47D-25 · P-47D-28 · ␗P-47D-30 · ▄P-47D-30
P-47M  P-47M-1-RE · ⋠P-47M-1-RE
P-47N  P-47N-15 · ␗F-47N-25-RE
P-51  P-51A · J26 David · P-51C-10 · ␗P-51C-11-NT · P-51D-5 · P-51D-10 · P-51D-20-NA · P-51H-5-NA
P-63  P-63A-5 · P-63A-10 · P-63C-5 · ␠Kingcobra · ▄P-63C-5
P-400  P-400
Twin-engine fighters 
F7F  F7F-1 · F7F-3
F-82  F-82E
P-38  P-38J-15 · Bong's P-38J-15 · ␗P-38L-1 · P-38L-5-LO
P-61  P-61C-1
Jet fighters 
F2H  F2H-2
F3H  F3H-2
F9F  F9F-2 · F9F-5 · F9F-8
G.91  G.91 pre-serie · G.91 R/1 · ◄G.91 R/3 · G.91 R/4 · ◄G.91 R/4
MD.450  M.D.450B Barougan · M.D.450B Ouragan · M.D.450B Ouragan
MD.452  M.D.452 IIC
MD.454  Mystere IVA
MD.460  Super Mystere B2
Strike aircraft 
A-1H  A-1H
A2D  A2D-1
A-20  A-20G-25
A-26  A-26B-10 · A-26B-50
A-36  A-36
AD-2  AD-2
AD-4  AD-4 · ▄AD-4 · ▄AD-4NA
AM-1  AM-1
AU-1  AU-1
Etendard  Etendard IVM
F3D  F3D-1
F-84  F-84B-26 · F-84G-21-RE · ␗F-84G-21-RE · ▄F-84G-21-RE · ▄F-84G-26-RE · ␗F-84G-31-RE
PBJ-1  PBJ-1H · PBJ-1J
V-11  V-11
V-12  V-12D
XA-38  XA-38
A-20  ▂A-20G-30
A-26  A-26C-45 · A-26C-45DT
A-35  ▄A-35B
B-10  B-10B
B-17  B-17E · ▅B-17E · B-17E/L · B-17G-60-VE
B-18  B-18A
B-24  B-24D-25-CO · PB4Y-2 · ␗PB4Y-2 · ▄PB4Y-2
B-25  B-25J-1 · B-25J-20 · ␗B-25J-30
B-29  B-29A-BN
B-34  B-34 · PV-2D
BTD-1  BTD-1
DB-7  ▄DB-7
PBM  PBM-1 "Mariner" · PBM-3 "Mariner" · PBM-5A "Mariner"
PBY-5  PBY-5 Catalina · PBY-5A Catalina · ▂PBY-5A Catalina · ▄Catalina Mk IIIa · ▄PBY-5A Late
SB2C  SB2C-1C · SB2C-4 · ▄SB2C-5
SB2U  SB2U-2 · SB2U-3 · V-156-B1
TBD-1  TBD-1
TBF-1  TBF-1C · ▄Avenger Mk II
Jet bombers  B-57A · B-57B · S.O.4050 Vautour IIA · S.O.4050 Vautour IIB

General info

Bomb characteristics
Mass 242.6 kg (535 lbs)
Explosive mass 124.28 kg
Explosive type Composition B
TNT equivalent 162.81 kg
HE max penetration 85 mm
Armour destruction radius 9 m
Fragment dispersion radius 126 m

Effective damage

Describe the type of damage produced by this type of bomb (high explosive, splash damage, etc)

Comparison with analogues

Give a comparative description of bombs that have firepower equal to this weapon.

Usage in battles

The 500lb AN-46A1 Shines against lightly armoured vehicles, self-propelled anti-air, self-propelled assault guns and open-topped vehicles due to its explosive mass of 124.28 Kg, giving the player many opportunities to support their team. Against pillboxes and machine guns, The AN-46A1 Performs exceedingly well due to its explosive mass.

Against bases, the AN-46A1 also performs well, with one singular bomb dealing a quarter of the damage to bases, while 5 bombs take half the health of a base on a ground strike.

Pros and cons


  • Respectable warhead
  • Area of Effect damage, can hit multiple targets with varying damage


  • Due to its mass, it slows and impedes turn rate, climb rate and performance for fighters.
  • Shrapnel will hit the plane if deployed at low altitude (Below 100 or 50 meters)


Early in aviation history, applications for aircraft to serve in a military capacity surfaced, not only with the intent to scout a battlefield from an aerial vantage point but for the possibility to drop explosive bombs too. Due to the frail nature of the early wood-frame and cloth covered aircraft, lifting capacity resulted in the ability to only carry small bombs. Effectively these early bombers were hailed as aerial artillery fire which could reach targets hundreds of miles further than the most powerful land-based cannons of the time. Prior to the war, contests abounded where pilots would drop oranges or flour sacks upon predesignated targets to see who could hit closes to the centre.

Italian aviators were the first to use bombs in a warfare capacity in 1912 during their campaign in Tripoli. These first bombs were conversions of existing cannon ammunition and were effective only against personnel as they did not provide a strong enough provision to damage hardened equipment or structures. As lifting capacity of aircraft increased, so did the ability for them to carry more and larger explosives.

For the United States, bomb design did not become a priority until the middle of 1917 when a French official came to the U.S. with several samples of the Gros Andreau bombs which the French were using in large quantities at that time. Immediately these bombs were accepted by the U.S. and used as a standard in developing the first three sizes to be implemented in the military. These three bombs were known as the early "Mark" series, the 25 lb Mk.I demolition bomb, 50 lb Mk.I demolition bomb and 100 lb Mk.I demolition bomb. By December 1917, only six months later, the military put forth requirements for the development of bombs larger than the existing 100 lb bomb. After two more months of development, production of demolition bombs up to 1,000 lbs was started. Rejected 3-inch artillery rounds were the basis for early 25 lb bombs which were modified into a streamlined shape, very similar to the British Cooper bombs of the time. Larger bombs were manufactured and filled with explosive filler, all of which were placed into a streamlined body, for which a cylindrical shape was the most advantageous.

Early on, the Mark series of bombs proved to be largely unsatisfactory in a number of different areas. The bomb body itself was weak due to the sheet metal it was made from and the number of welds needed to join the pieces together. The stabilising fins were made of flimsy metal which tended to distort during both the handling and flight of the bomb, adversely affecting accuracy. For the field technicians, inserting the fuse was a complicated process which required removing the stabilising fin structure, potentially damaging the fins. The fuses tended to have a high fail rate and due to their design, they would instantly arm after release from the aircraft posing a direct threat to the delivery aircraft. Later modifications would eliminate many of the negative factors to include adding a nose fuse, time-delayed arming of the fuse, strengthening of the stabilising fins and adding primer detonators to ensure proper explosive train sequences. Other changes including streamlining all bomb bodies and utilising 100% T.N.T. as an explosive filler resulted in the newer "Modified Mark" series of Army bombs.

Prior to World War II, the military determined that the Modified Mark series of bombs were obsolete, requiring newer and up-to-date bombs to be developed. Both the U.S. Army and Navy began development of their own series of bombs, the Army with the "M" series and the Navy with their "Mk" series. Both similar, these bombs were designed with parallel sides, an ogival nose and a boat tail which is a box type-tail reinforced to prevent warping and aid with accurate drops. Due to the shortage of T.N.T., the Army filled their bombs with 50/50 Amatol with T.N.T. ends to seal in the Amatol and protect it from moisture. The Navy, on the other hand, continued to manufacture their bombs with 100% T.N.T.

With the approach of World War II, the U.S. Army (including the Army Air Corps) and the Navy standardised their series of bombs allowing for interchanging between services, consolidating manufacturing capabilities and allowing for modifications which enabled British service aircraft to mount these bombs too. Even after the standardisation of bombs in 1941, the standardisation process went through a few phases of further refinement, the first of which changed all high-explosive bombs to be termed general-purpose (G.P.) or general-purpose high-explosive (G.P.H.E). Later the designation of "demolition bomb" would come back for a few specific bombs.

When bombs are dropped, there is always a chance that something in the explosive train of the bomb will fail and it will not explode. Early AN style bombs were defusable in the event that they did not explode on contact, meaning that any unexploded AN bomb could have the fuses and boosters removed without the bomb exploding, rendering it inert. To counter this and allow for the potential "dud" bomb to explode when tampered with, the AN G.P.H.E. series bombs with the modification "A1" annotated that these bombs now had special pins mounted in the bomb's baseplate which fused with the explosive filler making it impossible to remove the booster without causing the bomb to detonate. Other modifications later added would include minor changes to the bomb body or the type of explosive filling used. During this time a second option for bomb tails was added, the box-type tail was already the mainstay of the bombs, however, to create a more aerodynamic bomb a conical tail assembly was added. This stretched out low profile tail improved the aerodynamics of the carrying aircraft, allowing it to carry more ordnance.

Progressing towards the Korean and Vietnam wars, piston-driven aircraft were giving way to jet fighters, bombers and attackers, many of which carried their ordnance on external pylons hung under the wing or underbelly. The new Mk 80 series bombs (Mk 81, 82, 83 and 84) were developed to keep external hung ordnance from creating too much drag on the delivery aircraft. Initially, the Mk 81 250 lb bombs were considered ineffective for their size or required a large amount to be effective and were removed from the munitions inventory. All-weather fighters and attackers were now being outfitted with the Mk series bombs and a new problem developed when it came to low-altitude attacks (typically coming in under low cloud cover) where the aircraft would deploy its ordnance which would hit the ground and explode catching the delivery aircraft in either the explosive blast or the shock-wave from the blast.

Modifications were developed to slow down or retard the flight of bombs, allowing for the delivery aircraft to depart out of the blast zone before they hit and detonated. Several options became available which allowed these bombs to remain aerodynamic low-drag while en-route to the target, but when deployed converted to high-drag, slower falling bombs. One option was to attach four-bladed plates to the rear of the bomb so that when the bomb deployed, these plates would pop out and create high-drag to slow the fall. Another option was to use a ballute which was basically an airbag which deployed from the rear of the bomb that acted like a drogue chute, effectively causing high-drag. Later during the fighting in Iraq, the US military brought back the 250 lb Mk 81 bombs due to their ability to be used when deploying against a specific target and to help minimise collateral damage.


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • other literature.

High-explosive and general-purpose bombs
100 lb  AN-M30A1
250 lb  AN-M57 · LDGP Mk 81
300 lb  H.E. M31
500 lb  AN-M64A1 · LDGP Mk 82
600 lb  H.E. M32
750 lb  M117 cone 45
1,000 lb  AN-M65A1 · AN-M65A1 Fin M129 · LDGP Mk 83
2,000 lb  AN-M66A2 · LDGP Mk 84
3,000 lb  M118
4,000 lb  AN-M56
50 kg  SC50JA
200 kg  Sprengbombe
250 kg  SC250JA
400 kg  Sprengbombe
450 kg  Sprengbombe 68/70
500 kg  SC500K
1,000 kg  SC1000L2
1,800 kg  SC1800B
2,500 kg  SC2500
25 kg  AO-25M-1
50 kg  FAB-50sv
100 kg  FAB-100sv · FAB-100M-43 · OFAB-100
250 kg  FAB-250sv · FAB-250M-43 · FAB-250M-44 · FAB-250M-46 · FAB-250M-54 · FAB-250M-62 · OFAB-250sv · OFAB-250-270
500 kg  FAB-500sv · FAB-500M-43 · FAB-500M-44 · FAB-500M-46 · FAB-500M-54 · FAB-500M-62
1,000 kg  FAB-1000 · FAB-1000M-43 · FAB-1000M-44
1,500 kg  FAB-1500M-46
3,000 kg  FAB-3000M-46
5,000 kg  FAB-5000
250 lb  G.P. Mk.IV · M.C. Mk.I
500 lb  G.P. Mk.IV · H.E. M.C. Mk.II · M.C. Mk.I
540 lb  Mk.M2
1,000 lb  G.P. Mk.I · M.C. Mk.I · L.D H.E. M.C. Mk.1 · H.E. M.C. Mk.13
4,000 lb  H.C. Mk.II · H.C. Mk.IV
8,000 lb  H.C. Mk.II
12,000 lb  H.C Mk.I
50 kg  Type 94 GPHE
100 kg  Type 94 GPHE
250 kg  Type 92 GPHE
500 kg  Type 92 GPHE
60 kg  Type 97 Number 6
250 kg  Type 98 Number 25 · Type Number 25 Model 2
500 kg  Type Number 50 Model 2
800 kg  Number 80 Mod. 1
250 kg  Type 250-2 · 250-3
500 kg  500-3
50 kg  GP 50
100 kg  GP 100T · SAP 100M
250 kg  GP 250
500 kg  GP 500
800 kg  GP 800
50 kg  D.T. No.2 · G.A. MMN. 50 · Type 61C
75 kg  G2 Navale
100 kg  No.1
250 lb  SAMP Mk 81
150 kg  I2 Navale
200 kg  No.1
500 lb  SAMP Mk 82
250 kg  Matra 25E · SAMP Type 25
400 kg  SAMP Type 21
1,000 lb  SAMP Mk 83
500 kg  No.2
2,000 lb  SAMP Mk 84
50 kg  mb m/37AT · sb m/42 · sb m/47 · Model 1938
100 kg  Model 1938
120 kg  sb m/61 · m/71
250 kg  mb m/40 · mb m/50
500 kg  mb m/41 · mb m/56
600 kg  mb m/50
100 kg  100/50 kg G.P.
250 kg  250/50 kg G.P.
360 kg  360/50 kg G.P.
500 kg  500/50 kg G.P.
See also  List of armour-piercing bombs · List of guided bombs · List of retarded bombs