P-47D-27 (USSR)

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This page is about the premium fighter P-47D-27 (USSR). For other versions, see P-47 (Family).


GarageImage P-47D-27 (USSR).jpg

The ▂P-47D-27 Thunderbolt is a premium rank III Russian fighter with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/SB) and 4.3 (RB). It was introduced in Update 1.43. This aircraft is a Soviet lend-lease version of the iconic American P-47D-25, with only minor differences including a camouflage colour scheme and Russian forged and welded FAB bombs weighed in kilograms instead of the American bombs AN-M series bombs weighed in pounds.

The fighter does, however, retain the eight deadly 12.7 mm M2 Browning machine guns which this fighter is renowned for, easily ripping off wings and also setting fuel tanks ablaze. The fighter's overall good energy retention makes this an excellent Boom & Zoom fighter but is restricted by its slow initial climbing ability. To counter the slow climb, side climbing at the start is recommended if looking for an altitude advantage to make the most use out of Boom & Zoom. This fighter also doubles as a great ground attacker, mounting an impressive payload (1,250 kg total!), unfortunately, the US did not include HVAR rockets with the lend-lease package, thus they are not available for the Soviet version.

General info

Flight performance

Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.

Max Speed
(km/h at 9,144 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
676 657 12200 26.2 27.2 7.3 7.3 600
Max Speed
(km/h at 9,144 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
729 700 12200 23.8 25.0 15 10.6 600


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear
Wing-break speed
Gear limit
Combat flaps
Max Static G
+ -
885 450  520 ~12 ~5
Optimal velocities
< 402 < 420 < 470 > 335
Compressor (RB/SB)
Setting 1
Optimal altitude 100% Engine power WEP Engine power
8,500 m 2,000 hp 2,300 hp

Survivability and armour

  • 38 mm of bulletproof glass in cockpit
  • 9.5 mm steel under bulletproof glass in cockpit
  • 9.5 mm steel behind pilot's seat


Offensive armament

Main article: Browning M2 (12.7 mm)

The P-47D-27 (USSR) is armed with:

  • 8 x 12.7 mm Browning M2 machine guns, wing-mounted (425 rpg = 3,400 total)

Suspended armament

The P-47D-27 (USSR) can be outfitted with the following ordnance:

  • Without load
  • 1 x 250 kg FAB-250M43 bomb (250 kg total)
  • 2 x 500 kg FAB-500 bombs (1,000 kg total)
  • 2 x 500 kg FAB-500 bombs + 1 x 250 kg FAB-250M43 bomb (1,250 kg total)

Usage in battles

As with the normal P-47D-25, the D-27 can be used one of two modes, first as an excellent Boom & Zoom fighter, using its great energy retention and amazing armament against high flying bombers and fighters. Another option is as a fighter bomber, utilising the impressive payload and adequate diving characteristics of the P-47 (be aware of dropping order of the bombs, the 500 kg bombs drop first and then the 250 kg under the fuselage is dropped). The 500 kg bombs are able to make short work of any tank whether light or heavy in its tier, but the 250 kg bomb can only provide enough explosive power to destroy softer targets, like armoured cars and SPAA. The way both 500 kg bombs drop should either be used against a group of tanks (combined battles) or against large pillboxes. Other than that, the P-47 can be used in multiple roles, unfortunately, using bombs restricts flight to only staying at a low level where the P-47's engine is less effective.

If using it as a high altitude fighter initially side climbing is recommended, as it gains a vast advantage over other enemies. The hit and run tactics work best for the P-47, singling out a lone fighter below the P-47, diving towards them and a 2-second burst from the M2 Brownings will most likely destroy them. Always try to avoid a head-on engagement, as the engine is large and exposed from the front and most likely break down if something manages to hit it. If willing to engage a heavy bomber main targets should be the wings and elevators, as they are easy targets for the P-47.

Ground realistic battles

Ground strike

The Soviet P-47 can provide lethal ground support, but crucial life-saving decisions should be applied by the pilot.

Once in the air, is prudent to scan the air for targets (check six first), if none are present, the P-47 can proceed to the battlefield and find a bombing target. If there's one or more enemy aircraft in the combat zone. The pilot is advised to immediately release all bombs; these bombs will only reduce the manoeuvrability of the P-47 if combat actions are to be taken. With all the altitudes disadvantage and dogfight manoeuvres, a P-47 with full bomb load only will be an easy target. Soviet pilots should keep the discipline of bomb disposing once air combat is about to occur. Pilots could also retain their bombs anyway, but then they would be forced to engage in Boom and zoom tactics due to the weight of the plane.

If there's no enemy aircraft, the P-47 can continue to use the powerful ordnance. Once the payload is disposed of, is recommendable to leave the combat zone and return to the airfield for rearming. If the P-47 stays at low altitude and near the battlefield, is likely to be engaged by the rear, leading to a disadvantageous duel.

  • Using the Ground target belt helps for this purpose as the Armour piercing capacity can help against light targets.

Interceptor / Air defence

Oppositely, the P-47 can be cleared from all drag weight and be used as an interceptor and air defence fighter. Don't forget to get some altitude once in the air; sideclimbing will allow to check the enemy air-spawn zone and plan combat tactics accordingly. The eight Browning machine guns will provide adequate damage, enemy planes regularly won't resist a lot of bullets from them.

Enemy bombers and attackers are amongst the easiest to destroy using this tactic. Which also helps to protect the allied tanks fighting on the ground.

  • Using the Stealth belt helps for this purpose as the bullets are not visible to the enemy and they often won't react until damaged.

Simulator / EC

In Simulator / Enduring Confrontation, bulkier planes that suffer in AB & RB shine and that of course includes the P-47. Sitting at BR 3.7, the lowest BR for rank 3 EC, it can respawn infinitely which makes it a great learning platform for new EC players. In Sim, the P-47 has stable control handling, all-round unobstructed vision and fast speed, and it offers a wide range of additional armaments of bombs plus the original 8 x .50 calibre, meaning it is an excellent multi-role aircraft. It can perform base-bombing, ground pounding, bomber intercepting and traditional Boom and Zoom fighting.

Ground strike

For base bombing, choose the maximum setup of 1 x 250 kg, and 2 x 500 kg bombs to maximise the damage. The fastest way to get to a base is to remain at tree-top level upon taking off. This way there is no need to climb so the P-47 can pick up quite some speed like that, even with the full bombload. It is also harder to be seen, since the P-47's dark colour will blend in with the ground for some maps. When approaching the base, check its position with the minimap to ensure it's the right target. When the base fills up the gunsight, pull up to around 500 m and then dive at the base at a rather shallow angle. When the gunsight slices past the furthest edge of the base, release all the bombs, bank to the direction of the nearest friendly airfield, descend back to tree-top level and fly back. If lucky, P-47 might even catch some enemy bombers that just took-off from a nearby airfield; they will be some nice RP. Overall, base bombing is the safest way to get rewards.

For ground pounding, pilots can choose to take the full bombload if desired. Use the bombs and rockets to take out pillboxes and tanks. The aiming method for bombs is pretty similar to base bombing, but there are differences for the 250 kg and 500 kg, as their drop are different and because now the targets are much smaller. Dive at a shallow angle to approach the target, try to get as close as possible but avoid crashing into the ground. When the gunsight slices through and just above the target, drop the 500 kg bombs. When the target is at the centre of the gunsight and fills up around 1/3 of it, release the 250 kg. The 8 MGs are perfect for killing trucks, AA guns and artilleries as they have plenty of ammo.

Msg-info.png Constantly watch the surrounding, especially the rear for any incoming enemies.


Be more careful when hunting bombers, since with the Sim control (whether it be mouse joystick or a real stick) the plane will manoeuvre much more gently, making itself a great target for the bomber's gunners. Don't follow behind a bomber's rear unless sure that its tail gunners are unconscious. Chasing behind a bomber makes the P-47 pretty much stationary for the tail gunners, bullets will shower. The big radial engine of the P-47 will usually get damaged. Instead, before launching an attack, get an altitude advantage over the bomber by flying around 2 km above it.

The bomber should only fill up about 1/6 of the gunsight. The best position for an attack is at the bomber's high 6 so the P-47 can adjust the lead much easier. Dive at the bomber, but not directly at it. To maximise the damage it is better to aim for their wings and engines, as the fuselage usually soaks up quite some bullets. Only fire when the bomber is about to pass in front of the guns. This short window might seems inadequate to do anything, but the 8 MG on the P-47 are actually quite destructive, as sometimes it only takes one bullet to set the target aflame.

Air combat

As for dogfighting, because almost all aerial battles in Sim occurs at below 3,000 m, the P-47 can easily climb to this altitude and gather up lots of speed before engaging a battle. The tactic is similar to the RB one above. If unfortunately, P-47 finds itself being chased , do a large and smooth turn towards the nearest friendly airfield to avoid bleeding too much speed. Then shallow-dive towards allied airfields. The P-47 can quite easily outrun opponents like the A6M2 or Bf-109 E-1, but struggles to outrun Bf-109 F/G, FW-190 A-1or other P-47s, like the German P-47▀. Another way of disengaging is to do a sudden Split-S to dodge under the chaser. The average Sim players will now try and see where the P-47 went. P-47 can then run for to the airfield or shallow climb for another attack.

Enemies worth noting:

  • Me 264: This giant is one of the few bombers who get air spawns in Sim, so it usually flies higher than thought. On top of this, the Me 264 is armed with large calibre MG and cannons all over it, therefore tailing a 264 is basically suicide unless all of their gunners are knocked out. P-47 can treat the 264 almost like a B-29 or B-17 as they are very similar in both design and defensive capabilities. It is best to head-on the 264 if possible, since then is easy to knock out the pilots due to its glazed nose while also taking minimal damage. However the bomber lacks a ventral turret on its belly, making it easy to deal damage from below, but be weary of the downwards facing rear 20 mm cannon near the tail. The safest way to attack is from a higher altitude, dive at an oblique angle and focus fire on the wings and nose. Never engage if P-47 does not have no altitude advantage.
  • Bf 110Ki-45A-26: As mentioned before, those twin engine aircraft are a big threat since their lack of manoeuvrability comparing to single engine fighters are minimised in Sim. They are usually armed with heavy guns & cannons in the nose, so an accurate burst will tear any plane apart, including the P-47. The P-47 manoeuvres rather sluggishly and might get out-turned from even those heavy fighters, so engage them with either altitude or speed advantage to avoid being targeted. If they are not manoeuvring aggressively, aim for their wings or engines. If the fight is intense, just burst anywhere as long some bullets hit them; the 12.7 mm bullets will damage their flight performance quite a bit.

Manual Engine Control

MEC elements
Mixer Pitch Radiator Supercharger Turbocharger
Oil Water Type
Controllable Controllable
Auto control available
Not auto controlled
Not auto controlled
Separate Controllable
1 gear
Auto controlled


Tier Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
I Fuselage repair Radiator Offensive 12 mm
II Compressor Airframe FMBC mk.1
III Wings repair Engine New 12 mm MGs
IV Engine injection Cover FLBC mk.1
This is a premium vehicle: all modifications are unlocked on purchase

Pros and cons


  • Excellent multi-role fighter in the Soviet tree
  • Outstanding payload (1,250 kg total!)
  • 4 x Browning M2's on each wing will make short work of any fighter/attacker
  • Plenty of ammo provides 33 seconds of sustained fire
  • Bubble canopy provides excellent view (SB)
  • Amazing energy retention makes it an excellent diver
  • Low repair cost


  • Heavy fighter, sluggish and difficult to manoeuvre at slow speeds
  • Bad turning ability; even with low-speed
  • Engine performance is worse in low altitudes
  • Worse performance when mounting bombs
  • Slow climbing without use of MEC
  • Larger than the average fighter
  • Bomb drop order makes it less viable for prolonged ground attacking


Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref></ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <references />. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under === In-game description ===, also if applicable).


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the aircraft;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • encyclopedia page on the aircraft;
  • other literature.

Republic Aviation Corporation
Fighters  P-43A-1
  P-47D-22-RE · P-47D-25 · P-47D-28 · P-47M-1-RE · ⋠P-47M-1-RE · P-47N-15
Jet Aircraft  F-84B-26 · F-84F · F-84G-21-RE
Export  J9 Early*
  ▄Thunderbolt Mk.1 · ▄P-47D-22-RE · ␗P-47D-23-RA · ▂P-47D-27 · ␗P-47D-30 · ▄P-47D-30 · ␗F-47N-25-RE
  ◄F-84F · ▄F-84F (Italy) · ▄F-84F (France) · F-84F IAF · F-84F
  ␗F-84G-21-RE · ▄F-84G-21-RE · ▄F-84G-26-RE · ␗F-84G-31-RE
Captured  ▀P-47D-16-RE · ▀P-47D
  *The company was named "Seversky Aircraft Company" before being renamed in 1939

USSR fighters
I-15  I-15 WR · I-15 M-22 · I-15 M-25 · I-15bis · Krasnolutsky's I-15bis
  I-153 M-62 · Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 · I-153P
I-16  I-16 type 5 · I-16 type 10 · I-16 type 18 · I-16 type 24 · I-16 type 27 · I-16 type 28 · I-180S
I-29  I-29
I-185  I-185 (M-71) · I-185 (M-82)
I-225  I-225
ITP  ITP (M-1)
MiG-3  MiG-3-15 · MiG-3-15 (BK) · MiG-3-34
LaGG  I-301 · LaGG-3-4 · LaGG-3-8 · LaGG-3-11 · LaGG-3-23 · LaGG-3-34 · LaGG-3-35 · LaGG-3-66
La  La-5 · La-5F · La-5FN · La-7 · Dolgushin's La-7 · La-7B-20 · La-9 · La-11
Yak-1/7  Yak-1 · Yak-1B · Yak-7B
Yak-3  Yak-3 · Eremin's Yak-3(e) · Yak-3P · Yak-3T · Yak-3U · Yak-3 (VK-107)
Yak-9  Yak-9 · Yak-9B · Golovachev's Yak-9M · Yak-9T · Yak-9K · Yak-9U · Yak-9UT · Yak-9P
Other countries  ▂P-40E-1 · ▂P-47D-27 · ▂Hurricane Mk IIB · ▂Fw 190 D-9 · ▂Spitfire Mk IXc
P-39  ▂P-39K-1 · ▂Pokryshkin's P-39N-0 · ▂P-39Q-15
P-63  ▂P-63A-5 · ▂P-63A-10 · ▂P-63C-5

USSR premium aircraft
Fighters  Krasnolutsky's I-15bis · I-16 type 28 · Zhukovsky's I-153-M62 · I-153P · I-180S · I-301 · ITP (M-1)
  LaGG-3-4 · LaGG-3-23 · LaGG-3-34 · Dolgushin's La-7 · La-11
  Eremin's Yak-3(e) · Yak-3 (VK-107) · Yak-3T · Golovachev's Yak-9M
  ▂P-39K-1 · ▂Pokryshkin's P-39N-0 · ▂P-39Q-15 · ▂P-40E-1 · ▂P-47D-27 · ▂P-63A-5 · ▂P-63A-10 · ▂P-63C-5
  ▂Hurricane Mk IIB · ▂Spitfire Mk IXc · ▂Fw 190 D-9
Twin-engine fighters  I-29
Jet fighters  Su-11 · MiG-15bis ISh · MiG-17AS · MiG-21S (R-13-300) · MiG-23ML
Strike aircraft  IL-2M "Avenger" · IL-2 M-82 · IL-8 (1944) · Su-6 · Tandem MAI · TIS MA · Su-8 · Tu-1
  Yak-38 · Su-7BMK · Su-25K · Su-39
Bombers  Po-2M · Be-6 · MBR-2-M-34 · Pe-2-205 · TB-3M-17-32
  ▂PBY-5A Catalina · ▂Hampden TB Mk I · ▂A-20G-30 · ▂B-25J-30