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== Description ==
== Description ==
''In the description, the first part needs to be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert screenshot of the vehicle. If the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle it is talking about.''
<!-- ''In the description, the first part should be about the history of and the creation and combat usage of the aircraft, as well as its key features. In the second part, tell the reader about the aircraft in the game. Insert a screenshot of the vehicle, so that if the novice player does not remember the vehicle by name, he will immediately understand what kind of vehicle the article is talking about.'' -->
During 1945, the Navy was discussing the idea of a jet-powered aircraft that could operate from carriers. In addition, it was required to have radar and fly in night conditions. Out of 4 companies, Douglas' proposal would ultimately earn the Navy's full attention and they were awarded contracts to build 3 prototypes. Soon after, the name Skyknight was chosen for the project. In 1948, the XF3D-1 was ready for its first flight. It was to be powered by two J34-WE-22 engines and a preliminary radar as the APQ-65 was unavailable at the time. Two XF3D-1's were built with the SCR-720 radar until the third prototype which received the planned APQ-65. After test flights showed the Skyknight to be a capable aircraft, 28 F3D-1s were ordered for both the USMC and USN. The production F3D-1 received a few changes such as better engines (J-34-WE-34) and gained around 5,000 lbs (2,267 kg) in weight.
Introduced in [[Update 1.75 "La Résistance"]], the '''{{Specs|name}}''' is a very capable aircraft that can fit many roles. In air-to-air combat, the F3D-1 can hold its own with its good turn rate and four M3 cannons mounted in the nose. In addition, the Skyknight receives an attacker airspawn which greatly helps its capability. The Skyknight can also be effectively used against ground targets due to its high-powered cannons, bombs, and Tiny Tim rockets. The cannons have plentiful ammo and have 16 seconds of trigger time. Players can confidently use the F3D-1 Skyknight against air and ground targets.
== General info ==
== General info ==
=== Flight Performance ===
=== Flight performance ===
''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Maximum speed, maneuverability, speed and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.''
<!-- ''Describe how the aircraft behaves in the air. Speed, manoeuvrability, acceleration and allowable loads - these are the most important characteristics of the vehicle.'' -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="70%"
! rowspan="2" | Characteristics
! colspan="2" | Max Speed<br>(km/h at 1,524 m)
! rowspan="2" | Max altitude<br>(metres)
! colspan="2" | Turn time<br>(seconds)
! colspan="2" | Rate of climb<br>(metres/second)
! rowspan="2" | Take-off run<br>(metres)
! AB !! RB !! AB !! RB !! AB !! RB
! Stock
| 809 || 783 || rowspan="2" | {{Specs|ceiling}} || 31.3 || 32.0 || 14.7 || 13.6 || rowspan="2" | 700
! Upgraded
| 868 || 846 || 28.8 || 30.0 || 23.3 || 18.8
==== Details ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="6" | Features
! Combat flaps !! Take-off flaps !! Landing flaps !! Air brakes !! Arrestor gear !! Drogue chute
| ✓ || ✓ || ✓ || ✓ || ✓ || X    <!-- ✓ -->
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" width="50%"
! colspan="7" | Limits
! rowspan="2" | Wings (km/h)
! rowspan="2" | Gear (km/h)
! colspan="3" | Flaps (km/h)
! colspan="2" | Max Static G
! Combat !! Take-off !! Landing !! + !! -
| {{Specs|destruction|body}} || {{Specs|destruction|gear}} || 443 || 422 || 314 || ~8 || ~4
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="4" | Optimal velocities (km/h)
! Ailerons !! Rudder !! Elevators !! Radiator
| < 620 || < 650 || < 620 || N/A
==== Engine performance ====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="3" | Engine
! colspan="6" | Aircraft mass
! colspan="2" | Engine name || Number
! colspan="3" | Empty mass || colspan="3" | Wing loading (full fuel)
| colspan="2" | Westinghouse J34-WE-34 ||  2
| colspan="3" | 7,290 kg || colspan="3" |  294 kg/m<sup>2</sup>
! colspan="3" | Engine characteristics
! colspan="5" | Mass with fuel (no weapons load) || rowspan="2" | Max Takeoff<br />Weight
! Weight (each) || colspan="2" | Type
! 21m fuel || 30m fuel || 45m fuel || 60m fuel || 73m fuel
| 600 kg || colspan="2" | Axial-flow turbojet
| 8,361 kg || 8,814 kg || 9,569 kg || 10,324 kg || 10,978 kg || 12,156 kg
! colspan="3" | {{Annotation|Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB / SB)|The maximum thrust produced by each engine, while mounted in the aircraft. NOTE: Thrust varies significantly depending on speed & altitude.}}
! colspan="6" | Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (100%)
! Condition || 100% || WEP
! 21m fuel || 30m fuel || 45m fuel || 60m fuel || 73m fuel || MTOW
| ''Stationary'' || 1,469 kgf || N/A
| 0.35 || 0.33 || 0.31 || 0.28 || 0.27 || 0.24
| ''Optimal'' || 1,469 kgf<br />(0 km/h) || N/A
| 0.35 || 0.33 || 0.31 || 0.28 || 0.27 || 0.24
=== Survivability and armour ===
=== Survivability and armour ===
''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured. Describe the armour, if there is any, also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.''
<!-- ''Examine the survivability of the aircraft. Note how vulnerable the structure is and how secure the pilot is, whether the fuel tanks are armoured, etc. Describe the armour, if there is any, and also mention the vulnerability of other critical aircraft systems.'' -->
* 38 mm Bulletproof glass in cockpit front.
* 5 mm Steel plates in the nose.
* 3 mm Steel boxes in the tail.
=== Modifications and economy ===
== Armaments ==
=== Offensive armament ===
<!-- ''Describe the offensive armament of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.'' -->
{{main|M3 (20 mm)}}
The '''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' is armed with:
* 4 x 20 mm M3 cannons, chin-mounted (200 rpg = 800 total)
=== Suspended armament ===
<!-- ''Describe the aircraft's suspended armament: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.'' -->
{{main|AN-M64A1 (500 lb)|AN-M65A1 (1,000 lb)|AN-M66A2 (2,000 lb)|Tiny Tim}}
The '''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' can be outfitted with the following ordnance:
* Without load
* 2 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs (1,000 lb total)
* 2 x Tiny Tim rockets
* 2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs (2,000 lb total)
* 2 x 2,000 lb AN-M66A2 bombs (4,000 lb total)
== Usage in battles ==
<!-- ''Describe the tactics of playing in the aircraft, the features of using aircraft in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view, but instead, give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).'' -->
The {{PAGENAME}} is pretty good in a dogfight with the right energy situation. While it may not be able to out-turn every enemy it faces, it has decent enough maneuverability to face the majority of the planes it faces. The plane does suffer from a relatively poor climb rate and below average top speed, but once it gains the altitude it needs to gain speed, it can be quite a fighting plane.
== Weaponry ==
The 20 mm can cause a lot of damage if it does catch the enemy. One important note is to avoid large dogfighting furballs, as there will be an enemy Me 262 or other jet that will notice the large {{PAGENAME}} and aim to gun it down. Instead, use the {{PAGENAME}} to go against outliers and stragglers to deal with them one by one.
=== Offensive weaponry ===
''Describe the offensive weaponry of the aircraft, if any. Describe how effective the cannons and machine guns are in a battle, and also what belts or drums are better to use. If there is no offensive weaponry, delete this subsection.''
=== Suspended weaponry ===
If the plane's flight performance is not to one's liking, one can use the {{PAGENAME}} as a ground-pounder. Allow teammates to gain an aerial superiority in the fighting area while using the guns and suspended armaments to attack ground units. The cannons are effective against light vehicles and vehicle top armour. The 2000 lb bombs are powerful enough to destroy any target, allowing pinpoint targeting of dug-in vehicles and end their game quickly. The {{PAGENAME}} also has access to Tiny Tim Rockets, which have extremely high penetration and post penetration damage. After dropping the payload and strafing targets, quickly return to base and rearm to return with more weaponry and effect.
''Describe the aircraft's suspended weapons: additional cannons under the wings, bombs, rockets and torpedoes. This section is especially important for bombers and attackers. If there is no suspended weaponry remove this subsection.''
=== Defensive weaponry ===
It is best not to linger over a combat zone, as the {{PAGENAME}}'s presence will attract the attention of players, who may spawn in fighters or SPAA and try to shoot it down. In higher rank matches, SPAA will jump at the chance to shoot down a slow, lumbering jet like the {{PAGENAME}}. Instead, it is best to quickly pinpoint a target, destroy it and then return to base. Keep on doing this as many times as possible. Fly low and around the edge of the map in order to avoid any anti-aircraft guns, observing the map and looking out for any potential targets. If the {{PAGENAME}} has attracted any unwanted attention from an enemy aircraft, the first action should be to call for help. It can save a lot of hassle if a friendly SPAA or fighter can take out the enemy plane. If not, the {{PAGENAME}} pilot will need to analyse the enemy and work out if the {{PAGENAME}} has any advantages over it. If it is a high-rank plane like a MiG-15 or Sabre, the options are pretty limited. The {{PAGENAME}}'s survival chances mostly depend on the pilot's skill to outwit the opponent, or their skill to outwit the {{PAGENAME}}'s pilot.
''Defensive weaponry with turret machine guns or cannons, crewed by gunners. Examine the number of gunners and what belts or drums are better to use. If defensive weaponry is not available remove this subsection.''
== Usage in the battles ==
''Describe the tactics of playing in an aircraft, the features of using vehicles in a team and advice on tactics. Refrain from creating a "guide" - do not impose a single point of view but give the reader food for thought. Examine the most dangerous enemies and give recommendations on fighting them. If necessary, note the specifics of the game in different modes (AB, RB, SB).''
The F3D-1 is equipped with an [[AN/APS-21]] search radar, as well as an [[AN/APG-26]] target tracking radar. Both radars are located in the nose of the aircraft.
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
! colspan="4" | [[AN/APS-21]] - Target Detection Radar
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Detection<br/>Range|The maximum possible range at which a target can be detected}}
! {{Annotation|Guaranteed<br/>Detection<br/>Range|The range, below which, detection of a target is practically guaranteed}}
! {{Annotation|Max Azimuth<br/>Scan Angle|How far to each side the radar can scan (widest search mode)}}
! {{Annotation|Max Elevation<br/>Scan Angle|How far up and down the radar can scan (widest search mode)}}
| 45,000 m || 28,000 m || ±85° || ±16°
! colspan="4" | [[AN/APG-26]] - Target Tracking Radar
! {{Annotation|Maximum<br/>Tracking<br/>Range|The maximum range at which a target can be tracked}}
! {{Annotation|Minimum<br/>Tracking<br/>Range|The range below which targets cannot be tracked by the radar}}
! {{Annotation|Azimuth Tracking<br/>Angle|How far to each side the radar can track a target}}
! {{Annotation|Elevation Tracking<br/>Angle|How far up and down the radar can track a target}}
| 4,000 m || 150 m || ±60° || ±60°
=== Pros and cons ===
=== Pros and cons ===
''Summarize and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Do not use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - they have a substitution in the form of softer "inadequate", "effective".''
<!-- ''Summarise and briefly evaluate the vehicle in terms of its characteristics and combat effectiveness. Mark its pros and cons in the bulleted list. Try not to use more than 6 points for each of the characteristics. Avoid using categorical definitions such as "bad", "good" and the like - use substitutions with softer forms such as "inadequate" and "effective".'' -->
* Is equipped with the [[AN/APS-21]] target detection radar and [[AN/APG-26]] target tracking radar, with the best target detection range in the game
* Has four 20 mm cannons with good accuracy and ammo count
* Decent bombload, allowing to perform in CAS roles
* Can turn better than some other jets while it has energy
* Can make it back to base on only one engine (you should be able to maintain ~400 km/h in level flight)
* Engines mounted close to the centre line of aircraft means loss of an engine has less impact on controllability
* Has airbrakes that has very quick deployment time, useful for diving or landing
* Fairly large in size, can be easily targeted
* Any positive G manouver will costs a significant amount of energy
* Not very manoeuvrable at low speeds
* Easily compress at high speeds, can be very dangerous while diving or in low altitude engagements
* Poor climb rate makes it impractical to engage bombers
== History ==
<!-- ''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the vehicle and adding a block "/History" (example: <nowiki>https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Vehicle-name)/History</nowiki>) and add a link to it here using the <code>main</code> template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <code><nowiki><ref></ref></nowiki></code>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <code><nowiki><references /></nowiki></code>. This section may also include the vehicle's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under <code><nowiki>=== In-game description ===</nowiki></code>, also if applicable).'' -->
In late 1945, the US Navy was in search of a new carrier-based fighter that was to be jet-powered and able to fly in all weather. The two-seated, twin-engine fighter was to be equipped with a radar and with specifications for a top speed of 500 mph (805 km/h), an operating altitude of 40,000 ft (12,192 m),<ref name="BoeingF3D" /> and able to detect an enemy 125 miles (201 km) away.<ref name="JoebaugherF3D" /> The Douglas Aircraft Company were among the many companies that were asked to produce an aircraft able to meet these specifications. Led by designer Ed Heineman, Douglas produced the designs that the US Navy thought suited best and were offered a contract for three prototypes under the designation ''XF3D-1'', with the nickname '''Skyknight''', on 03 April 1946.<ref name="JoebaugherF3D" />
The XF3D-1 prototype made its first flight on 23 March 1948.<ref name="CombatAirF3D" /> Due to the favorable performance, the plane was then ordered on May 11th for production of 28 units as the '''F3D-1'''. The first production F3D-1 was delivered in early 1950.<ref name="JoebaugherF3D" /> By February 1951, the F3D-1 was put into service. However, despite its status, the F3D-1 did not meet all standards for aircraft carrier operations, mainly due to underpowered engines.<ref name="CombatAirF3D" /> As such, priority shifted over towards the F3D-2 variant and only 28 F3D-1 planes were produced.<ref name="JoebaugherF3D" /> In all, Douglas would produce 268 F3D Skyknights for U.S. service.<ref name="BoeingF3D" />
While the F3D-1 stayed stateside to train pilots and radar operators, the F3D-2 were sent to the Korea War in Spring of 1952.<ref name="JoebaugherF3D" /> The F3D-2 Skyknights were assigned to Marine Corps night fighter squadrons to escort bombers in nighttime raids.<ref name="CombatAirF3D" /> While there, the F3D Skyknights racked up one of the best aerial victory record in Korea for a night-fighter, even scoring the first aerial jet-to-jet night victory against a [[Yak-15]] in 03 November 1952. Only one F3D Skyknight was shot down during the rest of the Korean War.<ref name="MilitaryFactoryF3D" />
After the Korean War, the F3D Skyknights became used as trainers or testing beds for the then-new air-to-air missiles (AAM) such as the AIM-7 Sparrow missiles. In the 1962, the F3Ds were renamed to the ''F-10'' Skyknights, with the F3D-1 and F3D-2 being redesignated as ''F-10A'' and ''F-10B'' respectively. These would later be used in Vietnam, making the Skyknights the only jet fighter to have flown in the Korean and Vietnam War. The Skyknight's role in Vietnam was reduced, focusing more on electronic warfare with electronic countermeasure (ECM) equipment as the ''EF-10B'' in order to counter the new SA-2 Guideline surface-to-air missile. The Skyknights were also used to conduct reconnaissance over Cuba during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.<ref name="MilitaryFactoryF3D" />
== Historical part ==
In 1969 though, all US Navy F-10s were retired and used for testing on the new avionics systems which were implemented into the F-14 Tomcats. The Marines used their F-10s until May 1970.
''Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the aircraft in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too big, take it to a separate article, taking a link to an article about the vehicle and adding a block "/ historical reference" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Name-vehicles/historical reference) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to include links to sources at the end of the article.''
== Media ==
== Media ==
''An excellent addition to the article will be video guides, as well as screenshots from the game and photos.''
<!-- ''Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.'' -->
* [https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/?vehicle=f3d_1 Skins and camouflages for the {{PAGENAME}} from live.warthunder.com.]
{{Youtube-gallery|76ArCiYaEog|'''The Shooting Range #81''' - ''War Machines'' section at 00:31 discusses the F3D-1.}}
== See also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:''
== Read also ==
''Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example,''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''reference to the series of the aircraft;''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
* ''links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.''
== Sources ==
== External links ==
''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
<!-- ''Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''topic on the official game forum;''
* ''page on the Wikipedia;''
* ''other literature.'' -->
* ''page on aircraft encyclopedia;''
* ''other literature.''
* [https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/392616-douglas-f3d-1-skyknight/ Official data sheet - more details about the performance]
* [[wikipedia:Douglas_F3D_Skyknight|[Wikipedia<nowiki>]</nowiki> Douglas F3D Skyknight]]
* [https://www.combatairmuseum.org/aircraft/douglasf3skyknight.html [Combatairmuseum<nowiki>.org]</nowiki> Douglas F-3D-2T2 (TF-10B) Skyknight]
* [https://www.boeing.com/history/products/f3d-f-10-skyknight.page [Boeing.<nowiki>com]</nowiki> Historical Snapshot - F3D/F-10 SKYKNIGHT FIGHTER]
* [http://www.airvectors.net/avskykt.html [Airvectors<nowiki>.net]</nowiki> The Douglas F3D Skyknight]
* [http://www.joebaugher.com/navy_fighters/f10_1.html [<nowiki>Joebaugher.com]</nowiki> Douglas F3D-1/F-10A Skyknight]
=== References ===
<ref name="BoeingF3D">Boeing. "Historical Snapshot: F3D/F-10 SKYKNIGHT FIGHTER." Boeing, [https://www.boeing.com/history/products/f3d-f-10-skyknight.page Website].</ref>
<ref name="CombatAirF3D">Combat Air Museum. "Douglas F-3D-2T2 (TF-10B) Skyknight" Combat Air Museum, [https://www.combatairmuseum.org/aircraft/douglasf3skyknight.html Website].</ref>
<ref name="JoebaugherF3D">Baugher, Joseph F. "Douglas F3D-1/F-10A Skyknight" joebaugher.com, 30 Jan. 2000, [http://www.joebaugher.com/navy_fighters/f10_1.html Website].</ref>
<ref name="MilitaryFactoryF3D">Military Factory. "Douglas F3D-1/F-10A Skyknight" Military Factory, 31 May 2016, [https://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft/detail.asp?aircraft_id=495 Website].</ref>
{{AirManufacturer Douglas}}
{{USA jet aircraft}}

Latest revision as of 01:17, 23 July 2024

Rank VI USA | Premium | Golden Eagles
A-10A Thunderbolt (Early)
GarageImage F3D-1.jpg
Research:82 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:240 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png
Show in game


During 1945, the Navy was discussing the idea of a jet-powered aircraft that could operate from carriers. In addition, it was required to have radar and fly in night conditions. Out of 4 companies, Douglas' proposal would ultimately earn the Navy's full attention and they were awarded contracts to build 3 prototypes. Soon after, the name Skyknight was chosen for the project. In 1948, the XF3D-1 was ready for its first flight. It was to be powered by two J34-WE-22 engines and a preliminary radar as the APQ-65 was unavailable at the time. Two XF3D-1's were built with the SCR-720 radar until the third prototype which received the planned APQ-65. After test flights showed the Skyknight to be a capable aircraft, 28 F3D-1s were ordered for both the USMC and USN. The production F3D-1 received a few changes such as better engines (J-34-WE-34) and gained around 5,000 lbs (2,267 kg) in weight.

Introduced in Update 1.75 "La Résistance", the F3D-1 is a very capable aircraft that can fit many roles. In air-to-air combat, the F3D-1 can hold its own with its good turn rate and four M3 cannons mounted in the nose. In addition, the Skyknight receives an attacker airspawn which greatly helps its capability. The Skyknight can also be effectively used against ground targets due to its high-powered cannons, bombs, and Tiny Tim rockets. The cannons have plentiful ammo and have 16 seconds of trigger time. Players can confidently use the F3D-1 Skyknight against air and ground targets.

General info

Flight performance

Arrestor gear
Accelerates braking by grabbing the brake cable on the deck of the aircraft carrier
Air brakes
Allows you to dramatically reduce the flight speed by releasing special flaps
Max speed
at 1 524 m846 km/h
Turn time30 s
Max altitude10 668 m
Engine2 х Westinghouse J34-WE-34
Cooling systemAir
Take-off weight12 t
Characteristics Max Speed
(km/h at 1,524 m)
Max altitude
Turn time
Rate of climb
Take-off run
Stock 809 783 10668 31.3 32.0 14.7 13.6 700
Upgraded 868 846 28.8 30.0 23.3 18.8


Combat flaps Take-off flaps Landing flaps Air brakes Arrestor gear Drogue chute
Wings (km/h) Gear (km/h) Flaps (km/h) Max Static G
Combat Take-off Landing + -
932 314 443 422 314 ~8 ~4
Optimal velocities (km/h)
Ailerons Rudder Elevators Radiator
< 620 < 650 < 620 N/A

Engine performance

Engine Aircraft mass
Engine name Number Empty mass Wing loading (full fuel)
Westinghouse J34-WE-34 2 7,290 kg 294 kg/m2
Engine characteristics Mass with fuel (no weapons load) Max Takeoff
Weight (each) Type 21m fuel 30m fuel 45m fuel 60m fuel 73m fuel
600 kg Axial-flow turbojet 8,361 kg 8,814 kg 9,569 kg 10,324 kg 10,978 kg 12,156 kg
Maximum engine thrust @ 0 m (RB / SB) Thrust to weight ratio @ 0 m (100%)
Condition 100% WEP 21m fuel 30m fuel 45m fuel 60m fuel 73m fuel MTOW
Stationary 1,469 kgf N/A 0.35 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.27 0.24
Optimal 1,469 kgf
(0 km/h)
N/A 0.35 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.27 0.24

Survivability and armour

Crew2 people
Speed of destruction
Structural932 km/h
Gear314 km/h
  • 38 mm Bulletproof glass in cockpit front.
  • 5 mm Steel plates in the nose.
  • 3 mm Steel boxes in the tail.

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB3 140 → 4 207 Sl icon.png
RB6 491 → 8 697 Sl icon.png
SB9 859 → 13 211 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications71 400 Rp icon.png
117 600 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost1 900 Ge icon.png
Crew training68 000 Sl icon.png
Experts240 000 Sl icon.png
Aces1 400 Ge icon.png
Research Aces620 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
120 / 250 / 600 % Sl icon.png
184 / 184 / 184 % Rp icon.png
Flight performance Survivability Weaponry
Mods aerodinamic fuse.png
Fuselage repair
3 600 Rp icon.png
5 900 Sl icon.png
210 Ge icon.png
Mods jet compressor.png
3 600 Rp icon.png
5 900 Sl icon.png
210 Ge icon.png
Mods booster.png
New boosters
5 300 Rp icon.png
8 600 Sl icon.png
300 Ge icon.png
Mods aerodinamic wing.png
Wings repair
4 500 Rp icon.png
7 300 Sl icon.png
260 Ge icon.png
Mods jet engine.png
4 500 Rp icon.png
7 300 Sl icon.png
260 Ge icon.png
Mods g suit.png
7 700 Rp icon.png
13 000 Sl icon.png
440 Ge icon.png
Mods armor frame.png
5 300 Rp icon.png
8 600 Sl icon.png
300 Ge icon.png
Mods armor cover.png
7 700 Rp icon.png
13 000 Sl icon.png
440 Ge icon.png
Mods ammo.png
3 600 Rp icon.png
5 900 Sl icon.png
210 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 1.png
Mods pilon bomb.png
SBC mk.I
3 600 Rp icon.png
5 900 Sl icon.png
210 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods pilon rocket.png
LFRC mk.12
5 300 Rp icon.png
8 600 Sl icon.png
300 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods weapon.png
4 500 Rp icon.png
7 300 Sl icon.png
260 Ge icon.png
Mods pilon bomb.png
MBC mk.I
4 500 Rp icon.png
7 300 Sl icon.png
260 Ge icon.png
Mod arrow 0.png
Mods pilon bomb.png
LBC mk.I
7 700 Rp icon.png
13 000 Sl icon.png
440 Ge icon.png


Offensive armament

Weapon 14 x 20 mm M3 cannon
Ammunition800 rounds
Fire rate750 shots/min
Main article: M3 (20 mm)

The F3D-1 is armed with:

  • 4 x 20 mm M3 cannons, chin-mounted (200 rpg = 800 total)

Suspended armament

List of setups (4)
Setup 12 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb
Setup 22 x Tiny Tim rockets
Setup 32 x 1000 lb AN-M65A1 bomb
Setup 42 x 2000 lb AN-M66A2 bomb

The F3D-1 can be outfitted with the following ordnance:

  • Without load
  • 2 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bombs (1,000 lb total)
  • 2 x Tiny Tim rockets
  • 2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs (2,000 lb total)
  • 2 x 2,000 lb AN-M66A2 bombs (4,000 lb total)

Usage in battles

The F3D-1 is pretty good in a dogfight with the right energy situation. While it may not be able to out-turn every enemy it faces, it has decent enough maneuverability to face the majority of the planes it faces. The plane does suffer from a relatively poor climb rate and below average top speed, but once it gains the altitude it needs to gain speed, it can be quite a fighting plane.

The 20 mm can cause a lot of damage if it does catch the enemy. One important note is to avoid large dogfighting furballs, as there will be an enemy Me 262 or other jet that will notice the large F3D-1 and aim to gun it down. Instead, use the F3D-1 to go against outliers and stragglers to deal with them one by one.

If the plane's flight performance is not to one's liking, one can use the F3D-1 as a ground-pounder. Allow teammates to gain an aerial superiority in the fighting area while using the guns and suspended armaments to attack ground units. The cannons are effective against light vehicles and vehicle top armour. The 2000 lb bombs are powerful enough to destroy any target, allowing pinpoint targeting of dug-in vehicles and end their game quickly. The F3D-1 also has access to Tiny Tim Rockets, which have extremely high penetration and post penetration damage. After dropping the payload and strafing targets, quickly return to base and rearm to return with more weaponry and effect.

It is best not to linger over a combat zone, as the F3D-1's presence will attract the attention of players, who may spawn in fighters or SPAA and try to shoot it down. In higher rank matches, SPAA will jump at the chance to shoot down a slow, lumbering jet like the F3D-1. Instead, it is best to quickly pinpoint a target, destroy it and then return to base. Keep on doing this as many times as possible. Fly low and around the edge of the map in order to avoid any anti-aircraft guns, observing the map and looking out for any potential targets. If the F3D-1 has attracted any unwanted attention from an enemy aircraft, the first action should be to call for help. It can save a lot of hassle if a friendly SPAA or fighter can take out the enemy plane. If not, the F3D-1 pilot will need to analyse the enemy and work out if the F3D-1 has any advantages over it. If it is a high-rank plane like a MiG-15 or Sabre, the options are pretty limited. The F3D-1's survival chances mostly depend on the pilot's skill to outwit the opponent, or their skill to outwit the F3D-1's pilot.


Main articles: AN/APS-21, AN/APG-26

The F3D-1 is equipped with an AN/APS-21 search radar, as well as an AN/APG-26 target tracking radar. Both radars are located in the nose of the aircraft.

AN/APS-21 - Target Detection Radar
Max Azimuth
Scan Angle
Max Elevation
Scan Angle
45,000 m 28,000 m ±85° ±16°
AN/APG-26 - Target Tracking Radar
Azimuth Tracking
Elevation Tracking
4,000 m 150 m ±60° ±60°

Pros and cons


  • Is equipped with the AN/APS-21 target detection radar and AN/APG-26 target tracking radar, with the best target detection range in the game
  • Has four 20 mm cannons with good accuracy and ammo count
  • Decent bombload, allowing to perform in CAS roles
  • Can turn better than some other jets while it has energy
  • Can make it back to base on only one engine (you should be able to maintain ~400 km/h in level flight)
  • Engines mounted close to the centre line of aircraft means loss of an engine has less impact on controllability
  • Has airbrakes that has very quick deployment time, useful for diving or landing


  • Fairly large in size, can be easily targeted
  • Any positive G manouver will costs a significant amount of energy
  • Not very manoeuvrable at low speeds
  • Easily compress at high speeds, can be very dangerous while diving or in low altitude engagements
  • Poor climb rate makes it impractical to engage bombers


In late 1945, the US Navy was in search of a new carrier-based fighter that was to be jet-powered and able to fly in all weather. The two-seated, twin-engine fighter was to be equipped with a radar and with specifications for a top speed of 500 mph (805 km/h), an operating altitude of 40,000 ft (12,192 m),[1] and able to detect an enemy 125 miles (201 km) away.[2] The Douglas Aircraft Company were among the many companies that were asked to produce an aircraft able to meet these specifications. Led by designer Ed Heineman, Douglas produced the designs that the US Navy thought suited best and were offered a contract for three prototypes under the designation XF3D-1, with the nickname Skyknight, on 03 April 1946.[2]

The XF3D-1 prototype made its first flight on 23 March 1948.[3] Due to the favorable performance, the plane was then ordered on May 11th for production of 28 units as the F3D-1. The first production F3D-1 was delivered in early 1950.[2] By February 1951, the F3D-1 was put into service. However, despite its status, the F3D-1 did not meet all standards for aircraft carrier operations, mainly due to underpowered engines.[3] As such, priority shifted over towards the F3D-2 variant and only 28 F3D-1 planes were produced.[2] In all, Douglas would produce 268 F3D Skyknights for U.S. service.[1]

While the F3D-1 stayed stateside to train pilots and radar operators, the F3D-2 were sent to the Korea War in Spring of 1952.[2] The F3D-2 Skyknights were assigned to Marine Corps night fighter squadrons to escort bombers in nighttime raids.[3] While there, the F3D Skyknights racked up one of the best aerial victory record in Korea for a night-fighter, even scoring the first aerial jet-to-jet night victory against a Yak-15 in 03 November 1952. Only one F3D Skyknight was shot down during the rest of the Korean War.[4]

After the Korean War, the F3D Skyknights became used as trainers or testing beds for the then-new air-to-air missiles (AAM) such as the AIM-7 Sparrow missiles. In the 1962, the F3Ds were renamed to the F-10 Skyknights, with the F3D-1 and F3D-2 being redesignated as F-10A and F-10B respectively. These would later be used in Vietnam, making the Skyknights the only jet fighter to have flown in the Korean and Vietnam War. The Skyknight's role in Vietnam was reduced, focusing more on electronic warfare with electronic countermeasure (ECM) equipment as the EF-10B in order to counter the new SA-2 Guideline surface-to-air missile. The Skyknights were also used to conduct reconnaissance over Cuba during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.[4]

In 1969 though, all US Navy F-10s were retired and used for testing on the new avionics systems which were implemented into the F-14 Tomcats. The Marines used their F-10s until May 1970.



See also

Links to the articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the aircraft;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Boeing. "Historical Snapshot: F3D/F-10 SKYKNIGHT FIGHTER." Boeing, Website.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Baugher, Joseph F. "Douglas F3D-1/F-10A Skyknight" joebaugher.com, 30 Jan. 2000, Website.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Combat Air Museum. "Douglas F-3D-2T2 (TF-10B) Skyknight" Combat Air Museum, Website.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Military Factory. "Douglas F3D-1/F-10A Skyknight" Military Factory, 31 May 2016, Website.

Douglas Aircraft Company
Strike Aircraft  A-20G-25 · A-26B-10 · A-26B-50 · AD-2 · AD-4 · A-1H
Bombers  TBD-1 · B-18A · SBD-3 · BTD-1 · A-26C-45 · A-26C-45DT
Turboprops  A2D-1
Jet Aircraft  F3D-1 · F4D-1
A-4 Skyhawk  A-4B · A-4E Early
Export  ▄Havoc Mk I · ▄Boston Mk I · ▄DB-7 · ▂A-20G-30 · ▄AD-4 · ▄AD-4NA
A-4 Skyhawk  A-4H · A-4E Early (M) · Ayit · A-4E
  The Douglas Aircraft Company merged with McDonnell Aircraft Corporation in 1967 to form McDonnell Douglas.

USA jet aircraft
F-4  F-4C Phantom II · F-4E Phantom II · F-4J Phantom II · F-4S Phantom II
F-5  F-5A · F-5C · F-5E · F-20A
F-8  F8U-2 · F-8E
F-80  F-80A-5 · F-80C-10
F-84  F-84B-26 · F-84F · F-84G-21-RE
F-86  F-86A-5 · F-86F-25 · F-86F-2 · F-86F-35
F-89  F-89B · F-89D
F-100  F-100D
F-104  F-104A · F-104C
F-14  F-14A Early · F-14B
F-15  F-15A · F-15C MSIP II
F-16  F-16A · F-16A ADF · F-16C
F9F  F9F-2 · F9F-5 · F9F-8
Other  P-59A · F2H-2 · F3D-1 · F3H-2 · F4D-1 · F11F-1
  Strike Aircraft
FJ-4  FJ-4B · FJ-4B VMF-232
A-4  A-4B · A-4E Early
A-6  A-6E TRAM
A-7  A-7D · A-7E · A-7K
AV-8  AV-8A · AV-8C · AV-8B Plus · AV-8B (NA)
A-10  A-10A · A-10A Late · A-10C
B-57  B-57A · B-57B
F-105  F-105D
F-111  F-111A · F-111F