Update 1.27

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Wallpaper Update1.27.jpg

Update 1.27 (changelog) was introduced on 30 January 2013. It is most notable for being the first update after War Thunder entered Open-BETA (Open beta began 28th January 2013 and update released on 30th January 2013), the update was fairly minor adding no new vehicles and making only relatively small changes.

Game Changes

Major changes

  • Nvidia 7600/6600 series cards support; ATI x1650/x1950 series cards support;
  • Control over damaged aircraft.
    • Control over damaged aircraft – it's a possibility to control an aircraft after receiving critical damage, such as wing or tail parts loss, engine ignition, etc.
    • When an aircraft is damaged, you receive a quick tip how to eject from an aircraft. Catapult ejection button is “J” in default keyboard setting. Button may be set or changed in Controls menu.
    • Damaged aircraft may land on the airfield, where it will be repaired. It also may be landed right on a batllefield or fight till the end.
    • In arcade mode and modes with resurrections catapult ejection is forced after 30 sec. flight after the critical damage received.


  • Sensitivity settings for turret gunners control;
  • Automatic leaving of an aircraft, if player is not active after spawn on airfield for a long time;
  • Smoke effects on cut parts;
  • You may see your squad mates' country and aircrafts (as tool-tip);
  • Dedicated ingame window makes squad invitation easier;
  • New maps: [Ground Strike] Fjords, [Domination] Asia;
  • Screen effects options in game menu (select “Game Settings”);
  • Text chat and quick radio messages for your squad;


  • Bug fix: low clouds over airfield in test flight;
  • Bug fix: drawing clouds, fire and smoke through trees;
  • Fixed issue: jet seat continues to vibrate after aircraft crash;
  • Displaying selected weapon set in map menu (in-action “M” button) fixed;
  • Fixed “PrintScreen” button for Windows7, also in hangar;
  • Fixed export/import of control settings;
  • Dust from propeller on the ground is now drawing correctly for every aircraft;


  • Improved force feedback: data now importing from the aircraft physical model;
  • Improved Instructor's braking on the ground: now he releases the brakes later;
  • Improved landing physics: emergency landing is now real. Belly landing physics and control improved;
  • Two-sided decals are now available for hulls;
  • Player's profile is now saved as one file 'profile.config.blk';
  • Improved video FX for shots from low fire-rate cannons;
  • Nose-down dive sound improved. Now it's appear only on high speed, close to critical;
  • Game chat is available from loading screen;
  • Intro video switched off after few replays;
  • Mountains visibility in some locations improved on 10 km (from 50 km to 60 km).

Smaller updates that came afterwards


  • Enhanced fire and smoke FX
  • Breaking gear fixed
  • Bug fix: bots don't fly up from the airfield
  • Forced ejection time in Arcade mode is reduced to 15 seconds


  • Enemy aircrafts are not shown now in FRB results chart
  • Fixed engine sound for aircrafts in replay mode
  • When player leaves his squad, squad's rank re-calculating correctly
  • Results of fight are inclided in "Economy" log
  • Enhanced after-fight statistics log


Major changes:

  • Nvidia 7600/6600 series cards support; ATI x1650/x1950 series cards support;
  • Control over damaged aircraft
    • It is a possibility to control an aircraft after receiving critical damage, such as wing or tail parts loss, engine ignition, etc. When an aircraft is damaged, you receive a quick tip how to eject from an aircraft. Catapult ejection button is “J” in default keyboard setting. Button may be set or changed in Controls menu. Damaged aircraft may land on the airfield, where it will be repaired. It also may be landed right on a battlefield or fight until the end. In arcade mode and modes with resurrections catapult ejection is forced after 30 sec. flight after the critical damage received.


  • Sensitivity settings for turret gunners control;
  • Automatic leaving of an aircraft, if player is not active after spawn on airfield for a long time;
  • Smoke effects on cut parts;
  • You may see your squad mates' country and aircrafts (as tool-tip);
  • Dedicated ingame window makes squad invitation easier;
  • New maps: [Ground Strike] Fjords, [Domination] Asia;
  • Screen effects options in game menu (select “Game Settings”);
  • Text chat and quick radio messages for your squad;


  • Bug fix: low clouds over airfield in test flight;
  • Bug fix: drawing clouds, fire and smoke through trees;
  • Fixed issue: jet seat continues to vibrate after aircraft crash;
  • Displaying selected weapon set in map menu (in-action “M” button) fixed;
  • Fixed “PrintScreen” button for Windows7, also in hangar;
  • Fixed export/import of control settings;
  • Dust from propeller on the ground is now drawing correctly for every aircraft;


  • Improved force feedback: data now importing from the aircraft physical model;
  • Improved Instructor's braking on the ground: now he releases the brakes later;
  • Improved landing physics: emergency landing is now real. Belly landing physics and control improved;
  • Two-sided decals are now available for hulls;
  • Player's profile is now saved as one file 'profile.config.blk';
  • Improved video FX for shots from low fire-rate cannons;
  • Nose-down dive sound improved. Now it appears only on high speed, close to critical;
  • Game chat is available from loading screen;
  • Intro video switched off after few replays;
  • Mountains visibility in some locations improved on 10 km (from 50 km to 60 km).


1st patch

  • When "Leave the aircraft" button is pressed on the airfield, aircraft neither taking damage, nor gets repaired;
  • Bug fix: award for the neutral airfields destruction;
  • Crew skills are in effect in test flights;
  • Bug fix: decals can't be placed on the front part of an aircraft;
  • Bug fix: palyer can't flight out after selecting an aircraft;
  • Shutting downs on start are fixed;
  • Enhanced sync of the fluttering aircraft;
  • Hangar FPS is limited;
  • Minor optimizations of the ground and sky rendering;
  • Enhanced server sync for the aicrafts ("twitching", "UFO-like" issues fixed).

2nd patch

Minor update without servers re-boot

  • Fixed: client shutdowns when reading from the hard disk for too long
  • New order of settings activation from the configuration file


  • Some client shut-down issues were fixed
  • Improved server efficiency


  • More accurate count of palyers/fights in the "Choose game mode" menu
  • Bug fixed: graphic issues in F1M2 sight
  • Fixed graphical artifacts on the ice
  • Fixed engine sound issue on He-111
  • Improved synchronization of aircrafts with server
  • Bug fixed: enemy aircraft remains highlighted even when out of visibility
  • Optimized visibility rendering on servers
  • Improved stability of the client and the server

  • Improved client stability

  • Improved client stability
  • Improved stability for the slow PCs
  • Error codes added
  • Improved stability for replays


  • Some client shutdown issues fixed
  • Bug fix: when engine is stalled/off, the sound of working engine didn't dissapear
  • Bug fix: when tail is teared off, tail gunners are still visible
  • Bug fix: decals dissapear in test flight
  • Significantly reduced time of hangar loading


Minor update, no servers reboot

  • Faster initial loading of the hangar
  • Several shut-down issues fixed


  • Faster initial loading of the hangar
  • Several shut-down issues fixed
  • Languages added: German, French, Polish, Czech,Turkish,Spanish,Italian
    • Please note: This is a first iteration of translation. We will constantly improve it.


  • Disabled plane purchase by SPACE button in Hangar
  • Several shut-down issues fixed

Closed Beta  1.17 · 1.25
Open Beta  1.27 · 1.29 · 1.31 · 1.33 · 1.35 · 1.37 · 1.39 · 1.41 · 1.43 · 1.45 · 1.47 · 1.49 · 1.51 · 1.53 · 1.55 · 1.57 · 1.59 · 1.61 · 1.63
Release  1.65 · 1.67 · 1.69 · 1.71 · 1.73 · 1.75 · 1.77 · 1.79 · 1.81 · 1.83 · 1.85 · 1.87 · 1.89 · 1.91 · 1.93 · 1.95 · 1.97 · Starfighters · Raining Fire
Update 2.0  New Power · Hot Tracks · Ixwa Strike · Red Skies · Direct Hit · Ground Breaking · Winged Lions · Wind of Change · Danger Zone · Drone Age
  Fire and Ice · Apex Predators · Sky Guardians · La Royale · Sons of Attila · Kings of Battle · Air Superiority · Alpha Strike · Seek & Destroy
  Dance of Dragons