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Hi! I'm ftsartek (just call me artek). I've played Warthunder on-and-off since release, although I only really got into it more recently when I first picked up ground forces somewhere around 2016/2017.

I originally made my way up through the Russian ground lineup without touching another nation until I reached the Russian Rank V, when I started grinding the British.

Over time I worked my way up and as of October 2019, I have full Rank VII lineups for the British, the Russians and the Americans; a Rank VI lineup for the Germans and a Rank IV lineup for the French. I pretty regularly play lineups at just about any rank, though, depending on how I feel at any given time.

I also play a bit of Air RB, although primarily with the intention of grinding aircraft to support my ground lineups.

I have a VR setup and on occasion play Air Simulator Battles with it until nausea (or the ground) gets the best of me.

My intention on the Wiki is to (where possible) keep info up-to-date where possible, clean up any grammatical issues or simply help ensure that people can rely on the wiki for gameplay suggestions and recommendations.

Everything below is my opinion only; take it how you like.

Favourite Vehicles

Centurion Mk.10: I have a special relationship with the Mk.10. It makes up one of my favourite lineups in the game; 7.3 British. I mean, look at this thing! It gets a stabilised 105mm with over 300mm of flat pen, a decent reload, perfectly acceptable armour... Sure, it's not the fastest thing around, but who even cares when you don't need to stop to shoot?

Vickers MBT: Pretty much the same story as the Centurion. Except this time, you get to run around in a stabilised 105mm with one of the fastest reloads for its tier. Paper armour can be overcome but well-placed APDS can't. I think this is actually my most played medium tank.

Conqueror Mk.2: THIS is what a heavy tank should be. A beastly gun, serious armour, decent mobility. Even better, not many tanks you'll face in this thing stand a chance in a snipe-off. And again, British 7.3.

IS-7: Okay, enough fawning over that British lineup. This thing is great fun. It's not really the best tank at 8.3, where every game's against 8.7 tanks and armour means nothing... But jeez, this defies expectations. No heavy should be this fast, ever. And no tank should be in possession of such a veritable armada of machine guns. Besides that, the fun of a 130mm APHE shell popping in the middle of a tank is pretty unbeatable.

T-80U: This thing is great. Unless you get shot in the side, but eventually you've gotta get used to it. The gun, the mobility, the survivability... Incredible vehicle, extremely competitive at top tier.

Challenger Mk.2 & Mk.3: These aren't actually amazing tanks, but they look cool, they snipe well, and the fact that they're not super fast means they pace your gameplay. They force you to play more carefully, more strategically.

FV4005: The HESH Barn is the single most inconsistent vehicle I think I've ever driven in War Thunder. HESH is weird. But I've had a love for this thing since the first time I got a multi-kill; a round hit the side of a Panther, killing it and the Ru 251 directly adjacent, AND a plane that was in the vicinity. I don't even think the plane was that close. Yet to repeat that, but I have had a couple double kills with it since.

ZiS-12 (94-KM): This is not an AA. This is a tank destroyer disguised as a milk truck. I've probably killed like 3 planes for every 20 tanks I've killed with this. Driving around like a maniac in a truck is stupid and amusing. So damn amusing.

T-34-57: Who woulda thought a 57mm could do so much damage? This thing's right at the comfortable tier where it still has somewhat effective armour, and that gun is incredible.

IS-2 (1944): 122mm of APHE on a properly armoured hull (unlike the first IS-2 where anything can go through that flat upper section of the UFP.) The Russians just get me.

Firefly Scorpion: To be honest, the 17pdr is dirty at 4.7. Yeah, okay, the thing can't take a hit, but jeez, nothing it faces can either. Plus the Brit 4.7 lineup is a GREAT SL grinder (if you're good with solid shot, at least).

Panther II: An 88mm on a Panther hull was the best idea ever. I feel genuinely sad that newer players might never have the opportunity to get this tank. Still, they'll get the opportunity to get blown up by it; better than nothing, right?

Tiger II (10.5cm Kw.K): This really doesn't have anything over the Tiger II (H) but there's a sorta prestige to having a bigger gun. It's not even the best 6.7 heavy out there, but it sure as hell makes quick work of those pesky T29s/T34s.

Sd.Kfz.234/4: Speaking of pesky, this is the king of it. This is like the Centauro before the Italians dreamed of a light, fast vehicle designed just to annoy people in War Thunder. And on top of being light and fast, it's got a really good gun that can actually do some work in just about any uptier.

M6A1: Y'know what's satisfying? Baiting someone out of cover with a fake shot. Works every damn time, and never fails to amuse.

XM-1 (GM): I'd be lying if I said I didn't like this. I mean, really, it's a filthy vehicle. Nothing at 9.0 should be allowed to do what this thing can do. It's a damn Ferrari with a gun on top!

Hated Vehicles

ADATS: Above and before anything else, I hate the ADATS. It's not the missiles; sure, they're bloody ridiculous. It's just that the damn thing won't die. I have to survive long enough to fire off my APFSDS round, reload a HE/ATGM round, and then shoot it again. And half the time, HE isn't even enough to finish it. I've had an ADATS survive 4 HE shots before (this was prior to researching HEAT or ATGMs on the T-80U).

Ru 251: I actually got used to fighting Ru 251s pretty quickly, but once in a while I get got by an Ru and it frustrates the hell out of me. It's mostly my fault, though, because I should know better by now.

AUBL/74 HVG: Imagine a Leopard 1. Imagine that Leopard 1 is given double its power to weight ratio, a stabilised gun and only moved up 0.3 BR. You have successfully imagined the AUBL/74 HVG. It menaced my 7.7 German games for two weeks (spawn once, die early, no respawn), it menaced my 7.3 Brit/German and 8.3 Russian games for two weeks (supercar is in your spawn before you leave it). Least the thing dies easy.

SIDAM 25 (Mistral): This thing should actually be illegal. What it does to planes is probably against the law in most countries... It violates them. Jeez.

OTOMATIC: What's up with this thing? I swear its breech doesn't actually die when it dies. I've shot one out and it just starts shooting blanks at me, blocking my view. It's weird, and also you never see the shots coming in a plane which is a little rude.

C1 Ariete & Ariete PSO: If you can penetrate the turret cheeks of a Challenger 1, you need to shoot someone that isn't the harmless Challenger 1. They never did anything wrong.

AMX-50 Foch: Oh, it's a CA Lorraine. Cool, easy kill... Oh. Oh, it's a Foch. Oh, I'm dead. Oh. (I have nobody to blame but myself for this one)

M10 GMC: I paid for a turreted tank destroyer, not a casemate. Whose idea was this?

Flakpanzer 341: Love the concept. Still can't reliably shoot planes down or deal with tanks. Maybe I'm just bad.

Archer: ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

M48A2 G A2: This is the only vehicle that I honestly think is just hopelessly over-tiered. For 0.4 BR increase, you get a stabiliser, a hell of a lot of speed, and it's not like your armour matters in the first place.

Also, all of the French vehicles prior to the B1 Bis. Anyone else who has also had to grind the reserve vehicles in the French lineup will understand why.

Personal Considerations for WT

I enjoy War Thunder, and I'm happy to put time and money into it. Of course, no game can ever be perfect but there are some improvements I'd really like to see:

Quality of Life

  • Dynamic Spawn Points: This is likely a complex implementation, but ideally open up the area vehicles can spawn into on subsequent spawns if there are nearby enemies. Initial spawns can and would work as currently, but respawning would be far more dynamic, denying teams the current 'lockout' ability they currently have if they take an early advantage. If enemy vehicles were detected near or in a spawn, or (using path-tracing) detected with a direct line of sight in a spawn area, vehicles would instead be spawned in a nearby, but non-affected area. This allows for more than 'just get a few kills then die' and avoids the current spawn sniping issues too.
  • Cleaning up classic maps for modern gameplay: A number of maps which were made available to top tier in the recent update have areas which are unbelievably good but are simply too easy to get to with MBTs and later light tanks. These need to be further restricted. This also somewhat applies to some newer maps where there are extremely good sniping positions available to one side and no spots available on the other side.
  • ULQ: Ultra Low Quality is game-breaking, especially with Thermal in the game now. Being punished for playing the game on higher graphics is sad. There needs to be a compromise, a way to avoid issues for players who genuinely do need ULQ and players who really shouldn't be using it. Pet peeve, but I like my games looking good.
  • Night Maps & NVD: Night maps are great fun... for people with NVD. If you don't have NVD you're on the back foot, and if it's one of those pitch black maps, you're basically done for. That isn't fun.


  • Dynamic Battle Ratings: This is, of course, a complex idea; probably requires lots of back-end work. Still, it'd be great for vehicles such as the M48A2 G A2 which is unbelievably out-classed until it gets APFSDS, and even then it's kinda over-ranked IMO.
  • Early-Game ATGM Helicopters: I don't think early ATGM choppers are healthy for the game. They make people spawn into missile AA at the beginning of the game, which (unless you're in an ADATS) means your early game impact is basically limited to saving your defenseless teammates. Just doesn't really fit. Make ATGMs something you've gotta earn again. If nothing else, limit how many choppers can spawn simultaneously; it's frustrating for both teams when 80% of a team is in choppers.
  • Decompression: Everyone asks about it, and for a reason. Vehicles such as the Chieftain Mk.10 shouldn't be fighting 10.0 vehicles, but at the same time it would probably ruin current 7.7 vehicles. Can't move it down, but it's not good where it is. Needs to be decompressed.
  • Close Look at Top Tier Balance: I feel like some tanks could do with better rounds now that they've been essentially power creeped (M1/IPM1, Challenger 1s, Chally 2, M1A1....)
  • Anti-Chopper Aircraft: Ensure aircraft (without anti-ground ordinance) are able to spawn for the same cost as ATGM helicopters. It's fair enough that there's a viable option to fight back against ATGM choppers besides ground-based AA (which may well be superseded with the advent of long range ATGMs coming up).


  • A gamemode similar to Battlefield's Rush would be awesome in WT. It would probably require bigger maps, dynamic spawn points, etc, but god it'd be fun.

Ground Forces Ammunition (WIP)

Throughout the past century of tank development, a large range of ammunition types have been produced and have seen combat. As time has progressed, technology has improved and rounds have improved in terms lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. Despite this, most rounds can be categorised under one of two primary categories: kinetic rounds and chemical rounds.

Kinetic rounds penetrate and deal damage based on a number of factors; shell type, projectile mass, round velocity and material hardness. Mass, shell type and hardness are constants, but velocity reduces with distance travelled and as such at longer ranges kinetic rounds will lose penetration ability and in some cases post-penetration efficacy.

Chemical energy shells deal damage based on a chemical reaction, and unlike kinetic shells, their ability to penetrate and deal damage are unaffected by the shell's velocity. This means that target distance often doesn't affect the round's effectiveness.

Kinetic energy shells

Icon AP Shot.jpg

Armour Piercing (AP)

Armour Piercing is a basic solid steel shot which is entirely reliant on kinetic energy to penetrate and deal damage. Providing the round possesses enough energy to penetrate any given armour, it will deal internal damage from steel fragments and spalling of the internal surfaces which can damage vehicle components, stored ammunition and crew members.

AP is a standard early World War II ammunition for many nations. In War Thunder, AP rounds should be used as a general use anti-armour round, with careful round placement to maximise post-penetration damage.

Icon rnd apc.png

Armour Piercing, Capped (APC)

APC rounds have a nose cone (or cap) of softer metal is fixed to the front of the solid shot. When this strikes the target armour the shock of the impact is transferred away from the tip of the round to the neck, helping prevent shattering. Additionally, the cap will collapse on contact with armour and the deformation will cause the round to angle towards the armour, more efficiently directing energy into the armour and improving the angled performance of the round. A downside of the cap is a decrease in long-range accuracy due to the cap interfering with the shell's aerodynamics.

APC is commonly found as a mid-tier shell for both the British and French on their mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. In War Thunder, APC is best used as a short-to-mid range round for combatting angled armour that regular AP rounds may not easily penetrate.
Display of shell normalization as an effect of a capped (APC) shell (clickable gif)

Icon rnd apbc.png

Armour Piercing, Ballistic Capped (APBC)

APBC rounds utilise a ballistic cap, designed to improve aerodynamic performance and hence round performance at longer ranges. The cap usually utilises a soft or brittle metal which collapses on impact and does not aid penetration or angled performance.

APBC is found on some early Russian vehicles, but is relatively uncommon otherwise compared to APCBC. In War Thunder, APBC is best used as a longer-range alternative to APC or APHE rounds which often exhibit less favourable ranged performance.

Icon rnd apcbc.png

Armour Piercing, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APCBC)

APCBC rounds combine the standard cap and the ballistic cap, improving the round's aerodynamic and penetration performance. As such, APCBC rounds tend to exhibit the best 'all-round' characteristics of any conventional kinetic rounds.

APCBC is found as a high-tier shell for British, French and American mid-to-late WW2 vehicles. In-game, APCBC should be the preferred option of solid shot rounds in all situations, when available, and should be situationally switched for APHE rounds if they're available.

Icon rnd aphe.png

Armour Piercing, High Explosive (APHE)

APHE rounds utilise a similar form to AP rounds, but incorporate a small chamber of high explosive filler within the round. This often slightly reduces the round's mass and construction strength and as such APHE rounds tend to exhibit slightly worse penetration performance than their solid shot counterparts. However, upon successful penetration, APHE rounds often cause significantly more damage within a vehicle. APHE rounds have a fuse which will only activate on sufficiently thick armour.

APHE is primarily found on Russian vehicles earlier in the tech tree, and on some earlier American and German vehicles. It should be prioritised for use when penetration is likely, or switched for AP or APCR if improved penetration is required.

Icon rnd aphebc.png

Armour Piercing, High Explosive, Ballistic Capped (APHEBC)

APHEBC rounds, similarly to APHE, utilise APBC concepts with the addition of high explosive filler. Again, the rounds tend to exhibit slightly worse penetrative performance than their solid shot brethren, but significantly more post-penetration damage. APHEBC rounds have a fuse which will only activate on sufficiently thick armour.

APHEBC is primarily found on Russian vehicles earlier in the tech tree as a mid-tier round, and on some American and German vehicles. It's ideally used against targets where angled performance is required and HE filler is preferable.

Icon rnd aphecbc.png

Armour Piercing, High Explosive, Capped, Ballistic Capped (APHECBC)

APHECBC rounds utilise standard APCBC designs with added explosive filler. APHECBC is often referred to as 'APCBC' in-game, and can be identified instead by the graphic or the explosive filler content in the round stat sheet. As with other APHE rounds, APHECBC significantly improves the post-penetration lethality over that of a standard APCBC round. APHECBC rounds have a fuse which will only activate on sufficiently thick armour.

APHECBC is found throughout the Russian tech tree as a high-tier round, and on some American and German vehicles. APHECBC should be used preferentially and interchangeably with a high-penetration round where available.

Icon rnd apcr.png

Armour Piercing, Composite, Rigid (APCR)

APCR rounds often use tungsten carbide or other extremely hard metals as a sub-calibre penetrator, wrapped within a softer full-calibre sabot - the APCR concept is essentially a predecessor to the APDS design. Upon impact, the soft shell will deform, allowing the hard metal penetrator contained within to penetrate the target's armour with force spread over a smaller surface area, resulting in significantly better penetration ability. APCR rounds often suffer from less post-penetration damage than a standard AP round of the same calibre, and due to their design perform much worse when facing angled armour.

APCR is found throughout most tech trees, most commonly available to vehicles from mid-WW2 through to early cold war vehicles. APCR rounds are best used against minimally angled armour, where other rounds will be unable to penetrate.

Icon rnd apds.png

Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot (APDS)

APDS rounds utilise a hard core as a sub-calibre penetrator, with a full calibre sabot. Unlike APCR rounds, APDS rounds discard their sabot after exiting the cannon barrel. The result is an extremely high-velocity round with particularly high penetration values and good ranged accuracy. APDS produces a minimal amount of post-penetration damage. There is also a small chance for APDS rounds to shatter given certain circumstances.

APDS is first made available on post-WW2 British vehicles, and is available to most vehicles in possession of an L7-derived gun. In War Thunder, APDS is best used as a long-range round, with multiple shots often being a necessity due to the lack of post-penetration damage. APDS is quite ineffective against lightly-armoured vehicles.

Icon rnd apfsds.png

Armour Piercing, Discarding Sabot, Fin-Stabilized (APDS-FS)

APDS-FS (usually referred to as APFSDS in-game) is the pinnacle of the kinetic anti-armour rounds. As with APDS, APFSDS utilises an extremely hard penetrator and a discarding sabot, however the penetrator is usually significantly longer than that of APDS and incorporates fins for added long-range accuracy. The additional penetrator legnth improves the post-penetration damage effects. APFSDS rounds are the most powerful kinetic rounds available in-game.

APFSDS is first available to some late Rank V vehicles, and is often the primary round for most Rank VI or VII vehicles. It's effective at all ranges, and due to most APFSDS rounds having an extremely high velocity they maintain their performance at even extreme ranges. APFSDS is quite ineffective against lightly-armoured vehicles.

Chemical energy shells

Icon rnd he.png

High Explosive (HE)

High Explosive rounds are primarily intended for use as an anti-infantry/anti-emplacement round. As such, HE rounds tend to have minimal armour-piercing capability and are better used against particularly lightly armoured vehicles, although on occasion it can prove effective against the sides of a vehicle. Particularly high-calibre HE rounds may cause enough area damage to destroy a tank regardless of the round placement.

HE rounds are available to almost every vehicle in-game. However, low-calibre HE rounds are particularly ineffective and they should only be utilised by vehicles with large-calibre guns, such as the KV-2 or Sturmpanzer II.

Icon rnd hevt.png

High Explosive Variable Timer (HE-VT)

HE-VT rounds use the simple concept of a timed fuse, resulting in an explosion at a preset range. While HE-VT rounds are no more effective than HE rounds against most heavy armour, they can be particularly effective against light vehicles with a known range or against aircraft (one of their original design uses).

Icon rnd he prx.png

High Explosive Proximity Fuse (HE-PRX)

HE-PRX rounds are an advanced round with specialised proximity fuses, designed to detonate the round upon reaching close proximity with a target. These are usually designed for anti-air applications, and are generally ineffective against most ground targets.

Icon grn he.png

High Explosive Grenade

HE Grenades are specialised HE rounds designed to be fired from cannons which may not be otherwise capable of firing high-calibre rounds. They usually operate in a different manner to conventional cannon rounds, utilising a propellant rather than a charge, resulting in a relatively low round velocity and sub-par ballistics. However, this design has proven useful, as the low velocity can be used to 'sling' rounds onto weak roof armour or into trenches or bunkers.

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Shrapnel rounds are a chemical round utilising a thin shell and a chamber of metal fillings or ball bearings with a small explosive charge. Upon successful penetration, shrapnel rounds cause a significant amount of damage. However, due to the thin outer shell, shrapnel rounds only perform well against particularly light armour and are completely ineffective when used against even moderately armoured targets.

Shrapnel rounds are available exclusively to early Russian vehicles. Shrapnel is exclusively useful against lightly armoured targets, and shouldn't be used against front-facing armour of any other tank.

Icon rnd hesh.png

High Explosive Squash Head (HESH)

HESH rounds are designed as an anti-emplacement round. The 'squash head', usually comprised of some form of plastic explosive, is designed to squash onto a surface and detonate, causing the opposite side of the surface to rupture. If the given surface happens to be metal, this will often result in metal shards flying off the surface at high velocity. Due to this design, HESH rounds perform better the further they can spread, and as such they're more effective when applied to angled armour, within reason.

HESH rounds are available to most British vehicles from Rank V, and other vehicles in possession of an L7-derived gun. HESH should be primarily used against lighter armour or side armour, although occasionally the HE splash effect can cause unexpected results. HESH is completely ineffective against heavy armour.
Display of a HEAT charge striking armour

Icon rnd heat.png

High Explosive, Anti-tank (HEAT)

HEAT rounds are designed specifically as an anti-tank round. They operate by superheating metallic armour with a shaped charge, with the external pressure caused by the charge explosion forcing the molten metal into the internals of the vehicle, causing internal damage to crew and modules.

HEAT rounds are available to a variety of WW2 German vehicles, as well as higher-performance HEAT becoming available to some late French and American vehicles. HEAT is limited in effectiveness and its usage should be carefully considered as many vehicles have armour it cannot penetrate.

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High Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilized (HEAT-FS)

HEAT-FS rounds are an improvement over the HEAT concept, using improved penetrative chemicals and utilising fins for improved ballistic performance. HEAT-FS rounds maintain their penetration values at all ranges, and are well-suited to long-range engagements. HEAT-FS rounds are particularly sensitive, and may detonate on light obstacles such as shrubs or fences.

HEAT-FS rounds become available to many nations from Rank V although notably the British do not receive HEAT-FS at any stage due to its incompatibility with rifled cannons. At Rank VI and Rank VII, HEAT-FS may prove ineffective in many cases due to the prevalence of ERA and composite armour. Despite this, it can still be used for ranged engagements, as particularly late HEAT-FS rounds have extremely high penetration power.

Icon rnd he prx.png

High Explosive, Anti-Tank, Fin-Stabilised, Proximity Fuse (HEAT-FS PRX)

HEAT-FS PRX rounds are specialised HEAT-FS rounds which utilise a proximity fuse to detonate when in close proximity to a target. They can be used to destroy low-flying aircraft or helicopters, while maintaining their effectiveness against ground vehicles utilising normal HEAT-FS technology.

Icon grn heat.png

High Explosive, Anti-Tank Grenade

HEAT Grenades are specialised HEAT rounds, designed for use where normal tank rounds may not be possible to utilise. They often use a propellant rather than a standard charge, and as such suffer from low velocity and sub-par round ballistics. Despite this, they can prove effective against tanks due to their HEAT technology.

Icon spr atgm.png

Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM)

Main article: Anti-tank Guided Missile

ATGMs largely utilise the same concept as HEAT, however they integrate some form of propulsion and are usually guidable, either manually (MCLOS) or semi-automatically (SACLOS). ATGMs usually pack a large amount of explosive and often have particularly powerful shaped charges. However, they require specialised equipment to fire and tend to be heavy, often resulting in long reload times.

ATGMs become available through Rank V, and are primarily carried by specialised ATGM carriers, however some tanks have ATGM-capable main cannons. ATGMs are powerful and SACLOS guided missiles are easily aimed, however they travel slowly and well-aware targets may be able to move into cover prior to the ATGM reaching them.

Icon spr atgm prx.png

Anti-Tank Guided Missile Proximity Fuse (ATGM-PRX)

ATGM-PRX missiles utilise proximity fuses to detonate when in close proximity to aircraft. This, combined with their guidance systems (SACLOS) allows them to be used effectively against low-flying aircraft or helicopters.

Icon spr atgm tandem.png

Anti-Tank Guided Missile, Tandem Charge (ATGM Tandem)

ATGM Tandem missiles utilise a twin-stage warhead to overcome ERA - the first stage causes the ERA to detonate, while the second stage penetrates the armour below as normal.

Icon spr atgm he.png

Anti-Tank Guided Missile, HE (ATGM-HE)

ATGM HE missiles are a simplification of a standard ATGM; rather than a shaped HEAT charge, HE missiles simply utilise a large quantity of explosive.

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Surface to Air Missile (SAM)

SAM missiles are high-velocity anti-air missiles, designed specifically to combat aircraft using a variety of technologies; often including proximity fuses and radar or heat-seeking guidance.

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Rockets are unguided high-explosive self-propelled rounds which are often significantly higher calibre than standard tank cannons. They can be mounted as ancillary weaponry on some vehicles, or in some cases they're mounted on specialised rocket-carrier vehicles.

Icon rnd smoke.png


Main article: Smoke

Smoke shells are not designed as a damaging shell, and largely consist of chemicals designed to create a smoke screen. The produced smoke has a limited lifetime.

Smoke shells are available to various vehicles throughout most tech trees, however their effectiveness is somewhat limited compared to dedicated smoke launchers.