RN Corazziere

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Rank VI USSR | Premium | Golden Eagles
Su-25K Pack
This page is about the Italian destroyer RN Corazziere. For other Soldati-class destroyers, see Soldati (Family).
RN Corazziere
GarageImage RN Corazziere.jpg
RN Corazziere
4.3 4.3 4.3
Research:14 000 Specs-Card-Exp.png
Purchase:32 000 Specs-Card-Lion.png
Show in game


The Soldati-class, RN Corazziere, 1943 is a rank II Italian destroyer with a battle rating of 4.3 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update "Starfighters".

The Corazziere is a Soldati-class destroyer, the last class of destroyer to enter service with the Regia Marina before the Italian armistice in 1943. Like most Italian destroyers, they were designed with high speed as the primary emphasis.

General info

Survivability and armour

Armourfront / side / back
Main fire tower12 / 12 / 0 mm
Hull16 mm (steel)
Superstructure4 mm (steel)
Number of section7
Displacement2 580 t
Crew215 people

The Corazziere has no armour whatsoever other than 12 mm anti-fragmentation shields protecting the main gun mounts. These mounts are, however, open-backed, and can be disabled by nearby explosions if they land behind the gun shield. There are also some large fuel tanks providing some degree of protection to the transmission and the stern and amidships main gun magazines.

The Corazziere has a massive unarmoured bridge that takes up almost the entirety of the forward superstructure, which makes her very vulnerable to getting the bridge disabled.

The Corazziere has a crew complement of 215 men, which is unremarkable for a destroyer at her battle rating.


Speedforward / back
AB86 / 35 km/h
RB70 / 29 km/h

The Corazziere is one of the fastest bluewater ships in the game. She accelerates quickly and handles quite well, allowing her to reach most important locations easily.

Mobility Characteristics
Game Mode Upgrade Status Maximum Speed (km/h) Turn Time (s) Turn Radius (m)
Forward Reverse
AB Stock ___ ___
Upgraded 86 35
RB/SB Stock ___ ___
Upgraded 70 29

Modifications and economy

Repair costBasic → Reference
AB1 897 → 2 430 Sl icon.png
RB2 947 → 3 775 Sl icon.png
Total cost of modifications13 860 Rp icon.png
19 940 Sl icon.png
Talisman cost860 Ge icon.png
Crew training9 200 Sl icon.png
Experts32 000 Sl icon.png
Aces320 Ge icon.png
Research Aces250 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
160 / 380 / 100 % Sl icon.png
130 / 130 / 130 % Rp icon.png
Seakeeping Unsinkability Firepower
Mods new ship hull.png
920 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
180 Ge icon.png
Mods new ship rudder.png
Rudder Replacement
520 Rp icon.png
750 Sl icon.png
100 Ge icon.png
Mods new ship screw.png
Propeller Replacement
580 Rp icon.png
840 Sl icon.png
115 Ge icon.png
Mods new ship engine.png
Engine Maintenance
900 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods ship damage control crew.png
Damage Control Division
920 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
180 Ge icon.png
Mods ship fire control crew.png
Fire Division
520 Rp icon.png
750 Sl icon.png
100 Ge icon.png
Mods engine smoke screen system.png
520 Rp icon.png
750 Sl icon.png
100 Ge icon.png
Mods ship anti fragmentation protection.png
Shrapnel Protection
580 Rp icon.png
840 Sl icon.png
115 Ge icon.png
Mods ship venting.png
580 Rp icon.png
840 Sl icon.png
115 Ge icon.png
Mods new ship pumps.png
New Pumps
900 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods ship ammo wetting.png
Ammo Wetting
900 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
920 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
180 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
520 Rp icon.png
750 Sl icon.png
100 Ge icon.png
Mods tank ammo.png
520 Rp icon.png
750 Sl icon.png
100 Ge icon.png
Mods new aux caliber turrets.png
Auxiliary Armament Targeting
520 Rp icon.png
750 Sl icon.png
100 Ge icon.png
Mods he frag dist fuse ship.png
580 Rp icon.png
840 Sl icon.png
115 Ge icon.png
Mods ship rangefinder.png
Improved Rangefinder
580 Rp icon.png
840 Sl icon.png
115 Ge icon.png
Mods new main caliber turrets.png
Primary Armament Targeting
580 Rp icon.png
840 Sl icon.png
115 Ge icon.png
Mods torpedo.png
Torpedo Mode
900 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png
Mods ship mortar.png
Bomb mortar
900 Rp icon.png
1 300 Sl icon.png
175 Ge icon.png


Primary armament

2 х Turret2 x 120 mm/50 O.T.O. Mod.1936 cannon
Ammunition400 rounds
Vertical guidance-10° / 35°
Turret120 mm/50 O.T.O. Mod.1936 cannon
Ammunition200 rounds
Vertical guidance-10° / 35°

The Corazziere's main armament consists of five 120/50 OTO Mod. 1936 guns. Four of these are distributed in twin mounts located on the bow and stern, with the fifth located amidships in a single mount. These mounts have excellent traverse arcs, fast traverse and elevation speeds, but are crippled by their low rate of fire (8 rounds/minute with an aced crew).

The 120 mm guns can fire three types of ammunition: HE, AP, and HE-DF. The HE and HE-DF shells are identical in terms of filler, the primary difference being the HE-DF will burst at the range set by the rangefinder, allowing it to be used against aircraft. Both have weak explosive fillers (~1.6 kg TNT) compared to similar calibre destroyer guns, and are also considerably smaller than the ones of HE shells used by the older Italian destroyers such as the Leone and Turbine. The AP shell has a fairly large filler for its type and calibre, approaching that of the HE shell at 1.3 kg TNT. It has reasonably good penetration capabilities as well, able to get through the belt armour of light cruisers at medium ranges.

Anti-aircraft armament

4 х Turret2 x 20 mm/65 Breda anti-aircraft gun
Ammunition4800 rounds
Belt capacity12 rounds
Fire rate240 shots/min

Like almost all Italian ships, the Corazziere has very weak anti-aircraft armament. It consists of four twin 20/65 Breda Mod. 1935 cannon, two on each side of the ship. These are decent close range anti-aircraft weapons, but are too few to really provide effective protection.

It is important to note that because of the railings surrounding these weapons, they cannot depress enough to engage surface targets closer than ~1.5 km, making them useless against coastal craft.

Additional armament

Setup 16 x 533 mm steam turbined torpedo S.I. 270/533,4X7,2 Tipo I
Setup 22 x B TG 100 depth charge
Setup 36 x 533 mm steam turbined torpedo S.I. 270/533,4X7,2 Tipo I
2 x B TG 100 depth charge

The Corazziere is armed with two triple 533 mm torpedo tubes located on the centreline. These fire the Si 270/533.2 x 7.2 Tipo I torpedo which has a speed and range of 76 km/h and 4 km (70 km/h and 10 km with torpedo mode installed), respectively. It carries a 270 kg TNT warhead.

She also has access to a depth charge (bomb) thrower, although the utility of this weapon against surface targets is questionable at best.

Usage in battles

The Corazziere has the speed to get to important locations quickly, but unfortunately is really lacking in firepower to make much of an impact. She has only five 120 mm guns that not only have a glacial reload time for a destroyer weapon but also have weak HE shell fillers. Her AP shell is reasonably good, but she simply doesn't have the damage output to fight head-to-head against most other destroyers, especially American ones. The torpedo armament is also fairly unremarkable, if serviceable once the torpedo mode is installed. The ship also has virtually no armour and is highly vulnerable to disabling hits to the massive bridge and the main guns. Her anti-aircraft defences are also quite poor and have a large deadzone against coastal boats.

With all this in mind, the Corazziere tends to fare very poorly in close-range brawls. Even when ambushing a target, her weak shells and low rate of fire can leave her outgunned by the ambushed target. She functions best in a supporting role, where she can rely on teammates to cover her many weaknesses.

Pros and cons


  • Fast ship
  • Fairly large AP shell filler with good penetration
  • Fast main gun traverse and elevation speeds
  • Wide main gun traverse arcs


  • Huge unarmoured bridge
  • Small HE shell filler
  • Low main gun rate of fire
  • Inadequate anti-aircraft defences
  • Cannot depress anti-aircraft guns to engage naval targets at close range
  • Torpedoes have a very short range without the torpedo mode installed


Describe the history of the creation and combat usage of the ship in more detail than in the introduction. If the historical reference turns out to be too long, take it to a separate article, taking a link to the article about the ship and adding a block "/History" (example: https://wiki.warthunder.com/(Ship-name)/History) and add a link to it here using the main template. Be sure to reference text and sources by using <ref></ref>, as well as adding them at the end of the article with <references />. This section may also include the ship's dev blog entry (if applicable) and the in-game encyclopedia description (under === In-game description ===, also if applicable).


Excellent additions to the article would be video guides, screenshots from the game, and photos.

See also

Links to articles on the War Thunder Wiki that you think will be useful for the reader, for example:

  • reference to the series of the ship;
  • links to approximate analogues of other nations and research trees.

External links

Paste links to sources and external resources, such as:

  • topic on the official game forum;
  • other literature.

Odero-Terni-Orlando Company
Turbine-class  RN Turbine · RN Aquilone
Dardo-class  RN Dardo
Soldati-class  RN Corazziere · RN Aviere · RN Geniere
Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro-class  RN Comandante Margottini
Light Cruisers 
Condottieri-class  Kerch* · RN Duca degli Abruzzi
Capitani Romani-class  RN Attilio Regolo · Guichen**
Heavy Cruisers 
Trento-class  RN Trento
Zara-class  RN Zara · RN Pola
Conte di Cavour-class  RN Leonardo da Vinci***
Export  Tashkent****
See Also  OTO Melara
  *RN Duca d'Aosta before war reparation to the USSR
  **RN Scipione Africano before war reparation to France
  ***Previously ‘’Cantieri navali Odero’’ in Genoa-Sestri Ponente
  ****Built for the USSR

Italy destroyers
  Regia Marina
Aquila-class  RN Aquila
Leone-class  RN Leone · RN Tigre
Turbine-class  RN Aquilone · RN Turbine
Navigatori-class  RN Da Verazzano
Dardo-class  RN Dardo
Soldati-class  RN Aviere · RN Corazziere · RN Geniere
Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro-class  RN Comandante Margottini
  Marina Militare
Fante-class*  Geniere
Indomito-class  Impetuoso
  * Modified Fletcher-class destroyers