TB-3M-17-32 - A Flying Castle

The TB-3M-27-32 is a rare and very solid low rank bomber. Although it is quite slow, it has a very good payload for its rank and good survivability. It has various payload options ranging from FAB-100 bombs to FAB-500. It has a total of 5 gunners with an overall good coverage, particularly above the aircraft. The aircraft's large size makes it somewhat durable against enemy fire, although it will struggle to fly at all with extensive damage due to its already very low top speed.

Huge payload for its rank.Very slow, will not be able to outrun any enemy aircraft.
Durable airframe, self sealing fuel tanks and engine fire suppression system.Will stall quickly with any evasive maneuver.
Gunners with decent firepower and great coverage.Most of the defensive firepower is above the aircraft, where enemies are not as common to face.
High altitude spawn makes it unlikely to get intercepted by fighters.No landing brakes, making it difficult to land.

Flight Performance

The TB-3's main cons are its in flight performance. With a full bomb load, the aircraft has a maximum cruise speed of 178 km/h IAS (187 km/h SPD) at 1000m, which can be pushed to 215 km/h IAS (226 km/h SPD) at WEP, making the TB-3 the 2nd slowest plane in the game, beaten only by the Po-2 and Po-2M. Manoeuvrability is also generaly poor due to the aircraft's size, combined with an already low top speed it is likely to stall at any evasive maneuver.

In addition, due to its antiquated design, the TB-3 lacks a set of brakes for its landing gear. This greatly complicated the landing process as you will have to wait until the plane come to a halt on its own, or using "fishtail" manoeuvre to bleed the momentum on the ground.

Weaponry and Gameplay

For base bombing the x24 FAB-100 is the most practical preset as you require to drop just 4 bombs per base to destroy it, and given it has 24 of them you could take out all the bases on your own with a lot of bombs to spare. In case your team is able to destroy all the bases the TB-3 has a large enough bomb load to destroy the enemy airfield on its own, giving your team and almost garanteed victory.

For attacking ground targets it is not very practical. The plane's overal poor manoeuvrability make it difficult for precission strikes. However, the large quantity of bombs can make it useful to carpet bomb large areas or capture points ground battles.


Despite the poor speed, at a battle rating of 1.3 and bomber spawn at ~5000 m it is unlikely to face enemy fighters, the main threats are other bombers and dive bombers with airspawn, or ocassional fighters willing to climb to your altitude. Even then, the TB-3 has good enough gunners and a durable airframe that can winstand a lot of low caliber fire, and even often survive fires thanks to the implementation of self-sealing fuel tanks and EFS.

A few interesting facts:

  • The TB-3 is currently the 2nd slowest plane in the game, only faster than Po-2 and Po-2M.
  • The TB-3's gunners use 7.62mm DA machine guns, which are basically the same machine guns found in most Soviet tanks.
  • The Mikulin M-17 engines were also used in the BT-7, T-28, T-35 and KV-1.
  • It has the longest endurance in the game with a maximum fuel load of 11h 36m.
  • Because of the very high drag generated by the thick wings, it is quite difficult to overspeed, even in a dive.
The TB-3M in the 2024 Anniversary hangar

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