
RN Gabbiano Service history

RN Gabbiano (C 11), was the first corvette of the Gabbiano class of the same name, completed and entered into service on 3 October 1942, it would see a long operational history from World War II until the post-war period, after several exercises and crew training, held in La Spezia, assigned to the 1st Squadriglia Corvette, based in Trapani

RN Eugenio di Savoia Service history

The Condottieri-class cruiser Eugenio di Savoia was the second vessel in the fourth sub-class of its class. It featured improved armour and machinery compared to her predecessor, the Raimondo Montecuccoli. The ship was named after Prince Eugene of Savoy, whose motto "Ubi Sabaudia ibi Victoria" ("Where there is (Eugene of) Savoy, there is Victory") was inscribed on the sides of turret number 4.

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