
RN Gabbiano Service history

RN Gabbiano (C 11), was the first corvette of the Gabbiano class of the same name, completed and entered into service on 3 October 1942, it would see a long operational history from World War II until the post-war period, after several exercises and crew training, held in La Spezia, assigned to the 1st Squadriglia Corvette, based in Trapani

RN Duilio Service history

Launched on 24 February 1942, launched on 24 April 1913 and completed and entered service on 10 May 1915, the ship only participated in exercises, later to be rebuilt at the Ansaldo Shipyard in Genoa from 1937 until her return to service on 15 July 1940.

Taksin/Etna-Class Cruiser

The Etna class was a class of light cruisers of the Italian Royal Navy, composed of two units launched between 1941 and 1942. The two units were ordered in 1938 by the Government of Thailand to the CRDA shipyard in Trieste as Taksin class, and their construction began in August-September 1939.

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