The Shooting Range 419. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: The Stealthiest Addition
Pages of History: Gas Turbines and Diesels in Tanks
Arsenal: Arms for a Long-Range Fighter
Hotline: Can you make a video on the Mirage F-1 Premium? What's the best way to play the Spitfire against jet aircraft that don't want to dogfight? What is the long rod on the engine deck of the Jagdtiger? Is the Ikv 91 amphibious? Can you talk about the Brazilian AMX-A1?
The Shooting Range 411. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: Top Belgian Fighter
Pages of History: Paving the Way for the Bradley
Tactics & Strategy: New Missiles
Hotline: How to avoid and see the AIM-9M? Other than speed, what are some of the differences between the Yak propeller planes? What's the best Meteor? If I purchase a premium pack, does the premium time activate automatically? What's the best loadout for the F-4S Phantom II?
The Shooting Range 428. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: Recon Master from Japan
Pages of History: The American Skyray
Round Study: Maverick Missile Family
Hotline: What's the role of the secondary inlets on the MiG-29 series in mid-air? What's the fastest plane in the game at the moment? Can satellite bombs be used to destroy bases in air realistic and simulator battles? What's the difference between Pzgr. and Pzgr.39 on tiger tank? What are the different bomb types best used for? What bomb type is best against ground vehicles?
The Shooting Range 429. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: The Swiss Army Knife
Pages of History: The T-34 in the Cold War
Challenge: How Many Frags Can We Get with Satellite Bombs?
Hotline: What's the best loadout for the squadron A-4E Early? What's the heaviest light tank? What is the plane with the biggest fuel capacity in the game? Which aircraft (plane or helicopter) can carry the highest number of unguided rockets? What's the purpose of the little flaps below the horizontal stabilizer/elevator on the JF-17 and J-10A?
The Shooting Range 430. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: German Technology Demonstrator
Pages of History: Scout Loach
Arsenal: Best Loadouts for the Mirage F1
Hotline: Making a Metal Beast video on the F-4 ICE? Any tips for the M4A3 (105)? What's the use of the little fan on the F-111A gunpods? How to turn off the engine of a tank? Is it possible to destroy a tank with a torpedo dropped from a plane?
The Shooting Range 426. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: Pakistan’s Eternal Tank
Pages of History: How The Su-24 Was Made
Tactical Briefing: Smaller Changes in Dance of Dragons
Hotline: What prop plane has the fastest-firing 20 mm cannon? What is the best missile on the MiG-29SMT? Which is the tallest tank (and where can it be used as an advantage)? What is the propeller-looking white cross behind some German tanks from rank 5 onward? How many tanks can the most penetrating shell in the game kill in a line?
The Shooting Range 427. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: Air Superiority Dragon
Pages of History: Unconventional Use for SPAAGs
Tactics & Strategy: VTOL Dogfighting
Hotline: How to play early Japanese MBTs like Type 61, ST line, and more? What is the best loadout for the F-16 Barak II? Are wet ammo storages modeled in the Shermans (W)? Bring the Maus back into the tech tree? Why did the BMP-3 get a lower fire rate autocannon than the BMP-2?
The Shooting Range 406. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: A Tank Out of Smoke
Pages of History: Much Ado About Trainer Jets
Battle Pass: Completing New Season Tasks
Hotline: How to use the machine guns above the recoilless 106 mm cannons on the M50 without using the cannons themselves, what's better for the T-64A (1971): 3BM15 or 3BM22, how can the Lancia 3Ro (100/17) be used properly in battle, what's the difference between the Tiger II (H) and the Tiger II (H) Sla.16, is it possible to fully control an aircraft while in gunner view without it correcting to the last mouse location.
The Shooting Range 407. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: Challenging Aircraft
Pages of History: The Bumpy Ride of the Other Т-54
Round Study: Picking Shells for Soviet MBTs
Hotline: Why is the M247 identified as a F-16 on RWRs? What's the chrome ring between the engine and the cockpit on La-series fighters and interceptors? New nuke and console buttons. Why does the speedometer turn red on some tanks? When are we getting stealth aircraft?
The Shooting Range 408. In this episode:
Metal Beasts: An Ambitious Project’s Younger Brother
Pages of History: A Premium Jack of All Trades
Tactics & Strategy: Dodging Infrared Air-to-Air Missiles
Hotline: Why is the TOW on the Bradley so much weaker than on the M901? How to play the PBJ-1H in air and ground realistic battles? Will fuel tanks be added for the Su-27? We need game modes to use the Su-25SM3 from the beginning. How to use the GBU on the A-4E?