Talk:Main Page

From War Thunder Wiki
Revision as of 07:56, 1 October 2024 by PolnischerBandit (talk | contribs) (can we do something about the search function?)
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Important information:

Msg-info.png Please do not add anything: to any tech tree tables, when updates happen. Not because we don't want you to, because every time a change happens. It indirectly changes some important information which you can't see - Thus causes the table updates to be delayed, which isn't what anyone wants. - So please do not change, add images or pages which relate to any update. Have a great day! War Thunder: Wiki Team

Stay tuned we have some big news coming soon! - we are sure you are going like it! patrioticalien (talk)


Wiki news 30.Jan.2018
The year is 2019.--blastedryan (talk) 06:49, 31 January 2019 (MSK)

Dont'cha know? We time-traveling 2-OP's now. (Fixed) -Inceptor57 (talk) 07:26, 31 January 2019 (MSK)


I have a question: Is there a set way/schedule that we are obtaining pictures for vehicles, is it actively being done? I have a bunch of the previous ones from the older version of the wiki, used them for myself. Being that Im a PS4 player, I would gladly do it if I had the resources (if I can get it working on my laptop.) Or should I disregard that and wait? --JonCS29@psn (talk) 16:21, 20 February 2019 (UTC) Remove this when finished

There is no schedule or active project at the moment regarding the pictures of vehicles. --Inceptor57 (talk) 16:25, 20 February 2019 (UTC)
Then I shall see what I can do in regards to the pictures--JonCS29@psn (talk) 16:43, 20 February 2019 (UTC)

I can´t buy GE with my Steam acc!

I tried today to buy some GE with my Steam acc but for some reason it didnt work.Can anyone help me?

Hello, please consult this page to see if you are doing it correctly. If so and it is still not working, please contact Gaijin support. --Inceptor57 (talk) 06:51, 27 May 2019 (UTC)


I noticed in-game that the Specs-Card for the Sherman IC "Scorpion" now has the Polish flag rather than the British one. I would change it on here myself but I dont know how. Just giving you a heads up if someone could do it, or show me how (my main problem is trying to access the specs cards themselves)--JonCS29@psn (talk) 05:21, 11 July 2019 (UTC)

(oops, somehow this got deleted): I will try to bring this up and see if it is possible to adapt the spec-cards to the new flag images. --Inceptor57 (talk) 06:21, 11 July 2019 (UTC)
  • I don't believe there is a way for you to change the data on the Specs-Card (to include which flag icon is displayed). The Specs-Card is a set of parsers and switches which all tie back to the vehicle code (uk_sherman_ic_firefly). All of the linked data exists on a database outside of the reach of us wiki editors/moderators. Sometimes data in-game changes and the wiki lags behind in updating some of those changes. That which we can change we do (thanks to you guys!), unfortunately, other data we have to wait for the Gaijin magic to make changes on the back end. - AN_TRN_26 (talk) 10:50, 11 July 2019 (UTC)
It shouldn't be possible for the polish flag to show up. There has to be a picture on with wiki with the formate File:countryname_flag.png. The only flags available are these--blastedryan (talk) 14:15, 11 July 2019 (UTC)
  • I believe there are separate teams working on the in-game stat cards and the wiki stat cards, things will get rolled out in-game before the in the wiki. Many things like the flag icons will be rolled out on the .ru wiki and then copied to ours. The .ru moderators will need to add the image and update the stat card template to reflect the option for the Polish flag on the .ru wiki and then it will be updated on ours soon after (hopefully soon after, depends on what fires they are having to put out). - AN_TRN_26 (talk) 14:37, 11 July 2019 (UTC)
Oh wait I misread the question. I dunno why but I though he said the wiki card somehow had the polish flag not the ingame one.
To answer the original question, the flags in Specs-Card is currently tied to the vehicle tree country. So all vehicles in a tech tree have the same flag. For example the entire Japanese tech tree has the postwar Japan flag. The Russian Wiki guys would need to add a new 'flag' parameter to the Specs database and adjust Specs-Card to use that parameter.--blastedryan (talk) 16:10, 11 July 2019 (UTC)

can we do something about the search function?

It's so bad that it's practically useless. I write panzer 2 in the search field, and the first result is the sd. Kfz. 234/2. No sign of the panzer 2 on the first page. It seems to take into account the CSS code of the page, which is.. perplexing to say the least.

Hello The search function is working, i have just tested it. Please clear your cookies and cache, If that still does not work for you. Please Click here Make a post, list your browser + version you are using, and explain the full process you do on how you perform the search. So we can further investigate this. Kindest Regards --patrioticalien (talk) 11:41, 5 September 2019 (UTC)

The issue with your search is that it is searching for the most occurrences of "panzer" and "2". Most pages referring to the panzer 2 on the wiki refer to it by its shortened name Pz. so none of those pages will be found. Since we use "Pz." instead of "panzer", there are basically no pages with "panzer" so you are basically looking for the page with the most occurrences of "2". If you want to improve your search results you can either use "Pz." or search "panzer 2" in quotes. You can find more details on how searching on the wiki works here. --blastedryan (talk) 12:36, 5 September 2019 (UTC)
The usage of roman numerals in the Panzer names (Pz. II, Pz. III, etc.) probably doesn't help at all with "Panzer 2" being able to find "Panzer II". However, as BlastedRyan said, you would have to use the shortened "Pz." in place of "Panzer" to find the desired tanks.--Inceptor57 (talk) 15:23, 5 September 2019 (UTC)
Is it maybe worth creating a few redirect pages for the Panzer series?
I'd say it's definitely worth it. It's a chore to have to remember the nomenclature for each vehicle, which kinda defeats the purpose of a search bar, which is to help you get to the page you want in as few inputs as possible. --BasedTransQueen (talk) 20:18, 9 September 2019 (UTC)
We are currently working on some ideas, to improve this, based on this feedback! it's really great you are leaving feedback. We hope you have a great day! --patrioticalien (talk) 21:35, 9 September 2019 (UTC)

I am sorry, but search function on this page sucks. For example: I want to find Mirage 2000-5F and if I type "m2k 5f wt" on google, guess what what is first result - Mirage 2000-5F on WT wiki. If I miss spell single shit I get nothing, so don't pretend that this search function is just fine, it suck. IDK how this programing works so if its expensive or too hard just tell us. --talk 22:14, 30 September 2024

Also the search is case sensitive, which is annoying too when you need to remember if it was MiG or Mig or mIg or whatever --PolnischerBandit (talk) 07:56, 1 October 2024 (UTC)

Add tutorials

Shouldn't we have pages about tutorials for certain situations, like flying with one wing, and dealing with multiple enemies at once ETC? TravelByTrain (talk) 16:23, 10 January 2020 (UTC)

Each plane has their own unique handling characteristics so it makes it kind of hard to make one general page that can encompass every flight characteristics and models present. As such, if they exist, these details have been constrained to within the vehicle page in question. However, I would not begrudge the drafting of such specific pages for the situations, as we do have pages regarding aerobatic maneuvres like Boom-n-Zoom so these specific instructional pages are not forbidden (just needs approval). --Inceptor57 (talk) 16:43, 10 January 2020 (UTC)


Question for the moderators or anyone whom this applies: Do you think we should add a page that has all the decals that can be found in the game. There are many so it would take a while, but seeing as this wiki has separate pages for armaments at this point (well, in the works at least, I know there is still much to be done), I don't see why a decal compilation area could be created. Further beyond from that, perhaps there could be small excerpts or pages for each decal explaining its significance if it applies (historical or fictional)--JonCS29@psn (talk) 23:20, 22 May 2020 (UTC)

A Decals page is permissible. There are just other priorities at the moment that decals haven't been looked into yet. --Inceptor57 (talk) 07:33, 23 May 2020 (UTC)

Rank 4 US tank repair cost

I just want to know why U.S rank 4 heavy tanks have such a high repair cost (9,400-10,000 sl) while German heavy tanks cost about 3-4,000 sl to repair. This is bad because everyone playing U.S is light tank only so its hard to win when everyone is one shot. It's not even like U.S heavies of this rank are good, they get ammo racked no matter how little ammo u carry plus the long reload. --HowToSabre_exe (talk) 21:42, 14 October 2020‎ (UTC)

Broken squad system

With the newest update 30th of 10th 2020, the squad system was changed but there is a single problem when trying to invite a friend it says that "you are not squad leader" now normally I wouldn't reprimand the gaijin team for this kind of stuff as it was not a functional mistake but this time around my whole friends list and squadron was unable to invite anyone and I do not know the prerequisite to be a squad leader or how to even find it. Gaijin what the hell did you do? I and every single of the 46 people I play with hate this new system I can only imagine how many people are complaining about this as you read this I have tried to look for help but you guys do not update your help section or you information in the posts its simply disgraceful and a shame to all the people who cannot play with their friends now thank you very much! --Toxic_WarCat@psn (talk) 05:17, 31 October 2020‎ (UTC)

Hello, according to the this announcement, the squads functionality had been temporarily disabled due to technical issues and is planned to be restored tomorrow (October 31st). --Inceptor57 (talk) 06:40, 31 October 2020 (UTC)

WSP info

So, does anyone know when the team for the Wiki Share program usually replies? I did my app. a few days ago. Any info? -WentTo_Bruv 12/25/20

Suggestion: More detailed reload times.

I'd like to suggest that the information about reload times be expanded to include reloading under non-ideal circumstances, for instance for many tanks, if the loader is knocked out, it takes longer to reload the gun, it would also be useful to detail reload times when the ammo in the first stage ammo racks have been spent or if loader is knocked out and the ammo on the first stage is also spent, and it would also be good to write the time it takes for the loader to replenish a round onto the ready rack, i personally believe that this kind of information would be quite useful for people who wish to have more of an idea of how their vehicle performs as it faces combat.

Nakajima G10N

This is a japanese super heavy bomber. The Nakajima G10N Fugaku was a planned Japanese ultra-long-range heavy bomber designed during World War II. It was conceived as a method for mounting aerial attacks from Japan against industrial targets along the west coast and in the Midwest and the northeast the United States. Japan's worsening war situation resulted in the project's cancellation in 1944 and no prototype was ever built. Here is the Wikipedia page: Japan doesnt have a good heavy bomber with good bomb loads. In my opinion I whould put it at a Br. of 5.3-6.3. Sorry for my bad english Gaijin Entertainment. Its hard for a hungarian boy.

Thank you for reading my suggestion. Here is also a video about it: --MDaniHun2007 (talk) 15:30, 6 March 2022 (UTC)

Hello. Thank you for your suggestion. However, this Wiki is not the place for that, nor will there be much action happening if posted here. Please send game suggestions to the War Thunder Forums (relevant section here). --Inceptor57 (talk) 17:09, 6 March 2022 (UTC)

Oh... Okay, thank you for telling me.

Organized Communication

Is there a discord or a means of organized communication? I have many articles I want to create just want to talk to people regarding it, might need some assistance. --BlockbusterVHS (talk) 03:13, 12 February 2023‎ (UTC)

You can reach out to me on the War Thunder forums with your questions. --Inceptor57 (talk) 03:19, 12 February 2023 (UTC)

No articles about Warthunder ost?

Is there any specific reason there isn't even a single article about the soundtrack of the game? --Nonameninja95 (talk) 10:27, 13 July 2023 (UTC)

All information about the OST is available here: --Colok76286 (talk) 17:41, 13 July 2023 (UTC)

Tank vertical drive,max speed and weight

Is there any chance to show tank vertical drive data? I think it's as much important as horizontal drive. Maybe correct tank max speed and weight data too? Some of the data isn't correct to 1 decimal places. --Ebony__Warrior (talk) 09:40, 30 December 2023 (UTC)

cheater in Warthunder?

for some reason i get most of the time killed by players like this youtube link to video clip of battle replay , i can share replay file tho... - FurryBorisUwU (talk) 17:40, 26 July 2024 (UTC)

Hello, if you suspect that you have encountered forbidden behaviour, please follow the guidelines detailed here - DnaGonite (talk) 19:27, 26 July 2024 (UTC)