[Guide] Strf 9040C - Swedish Gunslinger

The Stridsfordon 9040C is an IFV based on the versatile CV90 chassis. Armed with a fast firing 40 mm autocannon with an excellent APFSDS and HE-VT round, this tank excels in destroying both ground and air vehicles.

Good autocannon with APFSDS and HE-VTOnly 25 rounds in the ready rack; rounds replenish individually
High top speed compared to other tracked IFVs (70 km/h, -45 km/h)Accelerates rather slowly; loses a lot of speed when steering
Composite screens offer increased protection against chemical munitionsVulnerable to overpressure by large caliber HEAT rounds and ATGMs because of thin armor
Spall liners minimize post penetration damageOnly 3 crew
No access to ATGMs


By the time the Strf 9040C is researched, players will have already been familiar with the mobility of the CV90 chassis through the CV 9030FIN and Strf 9040B. This chassis provides overall good mobility, with a top speed of 70 km/h forward and 45 km/h in reverse. However, the added weight of the composite screens means that the Strf 9040C is considerably more sluggish than its predecessors. The slow acceleration and the fact that speed is quickly lost when turning means that the top speed is rarely reached. As such, players will often find themselves lagging behind other light vehicles and fast MBTs such as the Leopard 2 and T-80B at the start of the match.


The Strf 9040C is equipped with the 40 mm Akan m/70B autocannon, a highly modernized version of the 40 mm Bofors gun found in many low tier SPAAs. The rate of fire is cranked up to an astonishing 5 rounds per second, which means that enemies will barely have time to react if the player manages to get the jump on them. The stock APFSDS round, slpprj m/90, is shared with the Strf 9040B, Lvkv 9040C and Strf 9040 BILL and already has excellent penetration (143 mm at 0°) considering its caliber. Unique for the Strf 9040C however is its access to slpprj m/01, an improved APFSDS round with even more penetration (170 mm at 0°). This gives it a considerable edge over other IFVs, as most MBTs can be penetrated from the front and the weaker side armor can be exploited even from extreme angles, something other autocannons can only dream of. The potency of the cannon against highly armored ground targets means that the Strf 9040C’s biggest shortcoming when it comes to armament, the lack of ATGMs, is hardly much of a deal.

In addition to APFSDS, the Strf 9040C also has HE and HE-VT rounds in its arsenal. The HE-VT round, kulsgr m/90, is especially useful since it can be used to take out air vehicles with ease. The muzzle velocity of this round is considerably lower than the APFSDS however, which players should take into account when leading their shots against aircraft. This is further complicated by the lack of a tracking radar, so shots will have to be led manually.

Armor and survivability

While the Strf 9040C isn’t particularly well armored, with only 20 mm of RHA all round, the additional composite screens provide some needed protection against chemical munitions. Though not as effective against HEAT rounds as ERA, the composite screens will generally diminish the amount of damage to the vehicle on a penetrating hit. Furthermore, the Strf 9040C is one of the few vehicles, especially at its BR, that gets access to spall liners. The spall liners greatly reduce post penetration damage, which means that the vehicle will sometimes critically survive a hit, especially when shot in the side, where the spall liner coverage is at its best. Compared to its counterparts, the Lvkv 9040C and Strf 9040 BILL, the Strf 9040C has fewer crew members at only 3 crew. As such, the vehicle will be lost if both crew in the turret get taken out, whereas both the Lvkv 9040C and Strf 9040 BILL would still remain operational.

Usage in battle

The Strf 9040C is best used as a flanker, as you will generally have to hit an enemy vehicle multiple times in order to destroy them. Though not bad, your mobility is generally not good enough to get you to a flanking spot first, so it is important not to let your guard down. Alternatively, the Strf 9040C can be used as a support vehicle, sticking close to your teammates and disabling or picking off enemy vehicles when the opportunity presents itself.

It is extremely vital to keep track of how many rounds are in your ready rack, as you will become completely defenseless when all 25 rounds are depleted. It will take about a minute or so to replenish all 25 rounds again. When engaging enemies, try to fire in short bursts, prioritizing vital components (cannon barrel, breech, mobility, etc.) if the enemy vehicle cannot be immediately destroyed. If an enemy is successfully disabled or destroyed, it is generally advisable to disengage for a moment and let your ready rack replenish again.

Notable enemies include heavily armored Soviet MBTs such as the T-80UD and the T-90A and the German Leopard 2A4, as these tanks are quite resistant to your APFSDS rounds from the front. If encountered frontally, players should aim to disable the main armament of these tanks first before trying to flank around and go for the kill.

All in all, the Swedish Strf 9040C is a highly potent, versatile IFV that can utterly dominate the match if in the hands of an experienced player. The vehicle should be played strategically however, selectively picking your engagements and keeping your ready rack stacked at all moments.

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