In the 1980s, the Swedish Army needed to renovate their fleet of light-tracked combat vehicles. However, the international arms market was unable to offer anything to satisfy the fastidious suite and they chose to pursue their own solutions. It's the beginning of a fairly typical story that marks the start of the history of some high fascinating vehicles. Thus in 1991, the Stridsfordon 90 infantry fighting vehicle, also known as the Combat vehicle 90, or even more simply the CV 90, came into being. The result of their labors proved to be excellent as the IFV turned out to be extremely mobile, compact and low. Moreover, the engineers put lots of emphasis on the quality of the armor. The vehicle's strength led it to be transformed into a SPAAG platform and even a tank destroyer. One of these, the CV 90105, can be found in the Swedish premium tech tree.
Watch the video below to learn more about the CV 90105!
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