Under the Live WT content creators support program, in every War Thunder major update, 40 user created camouflages are grouped in a special trophy.
Players can improve the appearance of their favorite vehicles by obtaining camouflages from the trophy (with this they are supporting the authors of WT Live)) or by purchasing them on the market.
Camouflage creators receive royalties from each key of the specified trophy that have been traded on the market.
In addition to camouflages you can get a unique decal from the update or coupon for a rare vehicle from the trophy.
How to get the trophy
Trophies with camouflages can be obtained with a specific probability once every two weeks based on the results of any battle performed in a vehicle of rank II or higher with an in-game activity of 50% or more (except Assault PvE mode).
PlayStation and Xbox players can purchase the trophy in the item shop and open it for Golden Eagles.
How to open the trophy
A received camouflage trophy is added to your inventory (Shop → Inventory → Chests).
To unlock a trophy you must purchase a special key that fits only this trophy on the market. The name of the key is listed in the trophy description. For example the trophy “Fire and Ice” will correspond to the key “Fire and Ice”.
Trophy content
You can get a coupon for camouflages created by authors on WT Live or a decal from the update from the trophy with a greater chance. For a lower chance you can get a coupon for a rare vehicle:
A received camouflage coupon can be activated on your account or traded on the market for Gaijin Coins. The trophy itself may also be put for sale or exchanged for Warbonds after 4 updates after the release of the trophy.
List of released trophies
- 'Storm Warning'
- 'Firebirds'
- 'Dance of Dragons'
- 'eSport III'
- 'Seek & Destroy'
- 'Alpha Strike'
- 'Air Superiority'
- 'eSport II'
- 'Kings of Battle'
- 'Sons of Attila'
- 'La Royale'
- 'eSport'
- 'Sky Guardians'
- 'Apex Predators'
- 'Fire and Ice'
- 'Drone Age'
- ‘Danger Zone’
- ‘Wind of Change’
- ‘Winged Lions’
- ‘Ground Breaking’
- ‘Direct Hit’
- ‘Red Skies’
- ‘Ixwa Strike’
- ‘Hot Tracks’
- ‘New Power’
- ‘Raining Fire’
- ‘Starfighters’
- ‘Viking Fury’
- ‘Northern wind’
- ‘Night Vision’
- ‘Imperial Navy’
- ‘Locked on!’
- ‘Supersonic’
- ‘Valkyrie’
- ‘Project X' II’
- ‘Project X' I’
- ‘Advancing Storm’
How do I get my camouflage into the Camouflage Trophy?
- First of all you need to create one. How to create one you can read in the special article that explains the rules of the creation of custom camouflage.
- Camouflages need to meet several technical and formal requirements.
- Camouflage should be published on the WT Live in the camouflage section (https://live.warthunder.com/feed/camouflages/).
- The resolution of the camouflage texture must be in multiples of 8. Permitted texture sizes on the largest side: 128; 256; 512; 1024; 2048; 4096 and 8192 px (8192 px only for the texture of high rank (VI+ rank) aircraft and bombers).
- Textures for ground vehicles should be made with the obligatory possibility of applying decals (see fixed camouflage). Diffuse texture should be done via set_tex, not via replase_tex. It is allowed to combine fixed and scalable camouflage.
- The title picture of the topic will be chosen as cover for the camouflage. It must have a horizontal format and have a proportion of 16x9. If the title picture doesn't meet the requirements another suitable picture from the topic will be chosen.
- Camouflage textures should be in .dds or .tga format. The dds format is recommended, as it is more compact.
- It is not allowed to change cockpit and engine flame textures.
- Camouflage must not violate WT Live WT rules.
- Camouflages containing intellectual property will not be considered for trophy selection. Check for copyrights on decals, logos, drawings, and patterns. Often festival camouflages and pilot group camouflages have active copyrights!
- Aircraft identification marks of the countries of the fascist/Nazi bloc must not contain prohibited symbols. The use of harmonized identification marks is recommended (link).
Couple of examples of inappropriate for the market harmonized identification marks and some copyrighted logos and characters: