How to launch a custom mission in the game

Missions, created by players in the War Thunder CDK, can be launched within the game and completed either alone or in a team.

Multiplayer mode

The option of being an initiator will be automatically given to players that purchase any item from the game shop for more than 10 USD/10 EUR (depending on your country of residence).

If the mission is adapted for the multiplayer game, it can be launched as simple mission from “custom battles”. Launching of such missions is available by completing of following requirements:

  • The mission needs to be adapted for multiplayer battles (needs to have respawn zones for both teams).
  • The mission needs to be created in an existing default War Thunder location.
  • The mission should have an initiator (creator of the session).

How to launch

  1. Open your mission on LIVE and select the button “Copy the mission URL”.
  2. Launch the game and go to Menu → Custom battles → Create session → Missions by URL (Note: Make Sure you mark the url as favorite for the add option to show up) → Add mission.
  3. Choose a name for the mission and paste the copied link into the field.

Done! Now when launching the mission you will open it for all players in “custom battles” and you can try it out!

Single mode

In the case of the mission not being adapted for multiplayer mode or created in an unique location, you can still launch it but only for single player.

How to launch

  • Open the chosen single player mission on LIVE and select “Download”.
  • Copy the *.blk file to the folder UserMissions, which is in the game folder.
  • Open Menu → Custom battles and launch your mission for single player mode.
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