The T-90M (Object 188M), colloquially known as the "Proryv-3" (Прорыв-3; Breakthrough-3), is the latest mass-production MBT in service with the Russian Army. First spotted in 2017, the T-90M features a redesigned, welded turret, advanced fire control system and remote-controlled weapon station, as well as a new powerplant to keep up with advancing MBT development. The redesign also introduced an autoloader and ammunition layout revision for better survivability in combat.
Introduced in Update "Air Superiority", the T-90M introduces further upgrades to enhance its combat capabilities, including a new powerplant, upgraded turret and FCS, as well as access to new Relikt ERA modules for maximum protection. Although the decade-old lack of reverse speed still haunts the vehicle, the overall upgrades on T-90M bring it up to modern standards with improved protection.