Guest Account

Guest account is a feature that allows you to get acquainted with the game quickly and easily, without the need to register a Gaijin.Net account.

Creating a guest account

Can be done by any player when opening the game client:

  • Choose "Guest Login" when logging in;
  • Enter your future nickname (if it’s already taken, numbers will be added to the nickname you’ve entered).

It’s done. A guest account can be used for as long as you want. All game modes, researching new vehicles and earning in-game currency are available to guests.

Even though a guest account gives you access to most of the game’s features, you risk losing your progress if the device you used gets damaged. You can also lose access to the guest account after reinstalling your OS. So it’s best to use it to get a first look at the game and then upgrade to a full account.

Guest account features

  • You can create one guest account for your OS.
  • A guest account has some limitations in the in-game chat.
  • A guest account cannot be used to make any purchases in the Gaijin.Net store: neither Golden Eagles, nor Premium Account, nor Premium vehicle packs.
  • A guest account also will not allow you to log into the official War Thunder forums, War Thunder wiki, War Thunder Live and other game services.
  • As a regular confirmed account, a guest account generates an internal ID that allows us to track the players’ reports and block it in case of rule violations or usage of forbidden modifications.

Account confirmation

You can link an email address to your guest account at any time to confirm it and upgrade it into a regular Gaijin.Net account with no limitations.

1. Click on your nickname in the hangar (it's to the left from the "To Battle!" button). A Player Card will open;
2. In the Player Card, press the "Email Bind" button;
3. In the in-game browser window, enter an active email address that you can access that hasn't yet been used to register a Gaijin.Net account;
4. An email with a confirmation link will be sent to the address you’ve entered. Click the link.
5. Create a reliable password for your account, enter it in a new window and click the "Link" button to link the email address.

Your account is now confirmed. At any time you can change your password, enter the game from multiple devices, use in-game chat with no restrictions, make purchases in the Gaijin.Net store — all without fear of losing your progress or access to the battles in War Thunder.

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