Boxer MGS

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German Boxer MGS in stock camouflage
This page is about the German light tank Boxer MGS. For other versions, see [[{{{link}}}]].


The Boxer MGS is a German light multirole fighting vehicle based on the Boxer vehicle chassis and equipped with a Cockerill C3105mm High pressure cannon as its main armament, and a internal turret-mounted 7.62mm anti-infantry rifle. The C3105, also known as the CT-CV 105mm gun system, is also mounted on the Swedish CT-CV 105HP. It begun development as a joint effort between the German, British and Netherland militaries, but Britain dropped out before the project had started. It started production in 2009, and is still in use with the German military today.

The Boxer MGS was added in the dance of the dragons update, and was available as a reward in the 2024 mobile sniper event. The Boxer is easily recognisable by its large size and powerful cannon. It is in the premium tree as a marketplace vehicle and classified as a light tank in game. It is similar to the Class 3 (P) light tank also in game, and built on the Boxer hull that it shares with the Vilkas. It has 3 internal crew members, a driver, gunner and commander, and boasts an impressive auto-loader with a 5 second reload. it weighs 38 tonnes and has a horizontal turret traverse speed in realistic of 27.8 ˚/s, which can get up to 38.9˚/s with an aced crew. It feature a -10/42˚ vertical gun guidance range, meaning it can hide its large hull behind the slope of a hill to protect it from enemy fire. Any players familiar with vehicles such as the CT-CV 105HP, Type 16 (Family) and the Vextra 105 will find that this vehicle performs very similarly, and should feel comfortable playing in the Boxer MGS.

General info

Survivability and armour

The Boxer chassis is a lightly armoured hull, and as such, is susceptible to all vehicles main weapons at its BR, but is also able to be penetrated by many secondary armaments. Its large size means that rounds that penetrate it at its far ends may fail to take its limited crew count. As it is a light tank, it is weak to both chemical and solid based rounds. The lack of armour means that this tank should be played away from open plains, and instead can be used to flank or snipe from long ranges. Due to is powerful engine and light weight, the boxer can accelerate to speeds up to and exceeding 100 Km/h, making it an excellent vehicle to move to early game positions and catch enemies off guard. its reverse speed allows it to take a shot and move into cover before most vehicles can return fire, making it a good vehicle to peak and relocate. In game it gets access to scouting, has access to smoke grenades, has a laser warning system and can utilise a scout drone.

Armour Front (74˚) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 5-16mm 38mm 38mm 15mm
Turret 15mm 15mm 15mm 15mm


As it is classified as a light tank in game, it can be expected to boast a high speed. In this respect, the Boxer MGS excels, reaching an in game speed in excess of 100 Km/h. As it is a wheeled vehicle, it performs better on roads than on grassy or rocky terrains, but due to its good suspension, it is able to still comfortably reach over 70Km/h in off-road going in a straight line. Due to its trackless design, it lacks the ability to turn on the spot, and this should be noted when deploying this vehicle into a tight position. While its brakes are good enough to slow this vehicle down over a distance, they lack the capability to stop the vehicle from top speed very quickly, which forces the player to slow the vehicle preemptively, or they may accidentally be caught out of cover.


Main article: C3105 Cannon

Main Armament

C3105mm Turret Rotation Reloading Rate
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabiliser Stock Aced Stock Aced
Arcade 42 -10/42˚ ±180 2-plane 44.5˚/s 62.3˚/s 5s 5s
Realistic 27.8˚/s 38.9˚/s


Template:C3105 cannon/ammunition

Round Penetration at ranges
10 500 2000
DM12 (HEATFS) 400mm 400mm 400mm
DM512 (HESH) 127mm 127mm 127mm
DM33 (APFSDS) 408mm 398mm 370mm
DM63 (APFSDS) 430mm 420mm 390mm

Ammo racks

Full ammo Ready Rack Second Rack Third Rack
42 12 12 12
  • Shells are modled individually and disappear after having been shot or loaded.
  • First Rack is in the autoloader
  • The second and third racks are situated on either side of the first, along the internal walls of the turret
Main article: MG3A1 (7.62 mm)

Machine Guns

The Boxer MGS features a single internally mounted 7.62mm anti-infantry gun, situated in the turret of the vehicle. The MG3A1 is a standard light machine gun, and will have no affect on any armour. It should be primarily used to clear a line of sight of to spot enemy tanks for teammates. While it maintains the trend of high fire rate machine guns in the german tree, it should not be attempted to be used on any airborne targets, as to get a shot the whole turret must move to face the target.

Usage in Battle


If using this vehicle in a flanking role, be sure to utilise long, straight roads, to allow the Boxer to reach its high top speed. This will allow the player to get to the sides and rear of the enemy, where its high pressure 105mm cannon can easily penetrate any other vehicle. If played like this, the player needs to be wary of players who may be looking for the flank or who may hear your vehicle from a distance. The aim should be to find a spot that is side on to the enemy with cover you can use your reverse speed to retreat into, take a shot, and move out of line-of-sight.

Hull-down Sniping

As the event that this vehicle was a reward for suggests, the Boxer MGS is a very capable sniper. It can utilise is Gen 3 thermals, laser rangefinder, and high velocity APFSDS to pick off adversaries from a long distance. Thanks to its great gun depression, it can use hills as cover, exposing only the turret, making it harder to see and kill. If the Boxer is played like this, the player must be aware of enemies who may posses a laser warning receiver which may hint where your vehicle may be to them.