Simulator mode is for those enjoying the full immersion in the control of military vehicles. They are controlled from the first person perspective, and aviation control is also adapted for the use of the controllers.

Sim Battles (SB) differ from other modes not only by camera position, but also by special battle formats with their own unique rules.
Air Battles
Air battles take place in a special “Enduring Confrontation” mode or in custom lobbies, which are created by the players themselves. Teams are organized according to the set of countries specified in the room description.
Enduring Confrontation is a mission with a long battle duration, which you can join at any stage and leave without penalty until completion. In the confrontation, special tasks are regularly generated for the participants, the fulfillment of which brings players rewards, shifts the front line and increases the team's points, bringing the overall victory closer.
Ground Battles
Teams are organized according to a given set of countries and vehicles eligible for combat. For ground vehicles, the exact list is specified. For aviation - the range of BRs.
Several tank simulation battles with different sets of equipment can be available in the list at the same time. Additionally, the presented sets change regularly.
Air Battles

You fight on airplanes that have been installed in crew slots before the battle. In combat, the number of revivals is unlimited, but you can only use vehicles whose Combat Rating matches the range of the room.
At the beginning of an Aviation Simulator Mode session, the player can only use a vehicle with a minimum BR equal to the initial one in the range. More advanced vehicles are unlocked for Spawn Points (SP), which can be earned during the session.
Custom Lobbies. Each player can create a room with unique battle rules and mission. You can choose from:
- Battle Rating Range
- Countries for each team
- Mission
- Enduring Confrontation — In this mode, teams must complete various missions to gain supremacy on the map. The missions include destroying marked ground targets, destroying bases, and destroying enemy airfield
Ground Battles

Both ground and air vehicles (airplanes and helicopters) can take part in Tank Simulator Battles. In such battles, the number of revivals depends on the number of spawn points (SP), the number of which is limited and cannot be earned in battle. In this mode, at the beginning of the battle the player can immediately take an airplane (or a helicopter), which always appears on the airfield (helipad). It is possible to spawn on the same vehicle a limited number of times (additional revivals can be obtained using “backups”). Players enter the battle according to pre-determined sets, which are updated once a day.
Enemy marking. In Tank Simulator Battles, vehicles do not have an aim assistant and lead marker (except for vehicles with radar tracking, such as the German Gepard AA or airplanes which have a ballistic calculator).
- Domination — the team that has held control of three points on the battlefield longer than the opponent and thereby burned up the opponent's Team Points wins.
- Conquest — the team that has held control of one central point on the battlefield longer than the opponent and thereby burned up Opposing Team Points wins.
- Battle — the team that was the first to capture an enemy point wins. It is worth noting that in the “Battle” mode, capturing a point takes much longer than in other modes.