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  |В этой статье рассказывается о типах миссий, который встречаются в битвах Мировой войны. Подробнее об участии в Мировой войне можно узнать в статьях  [[Мировая война: бойцам|для бойцов]] и [[Мировая война: командирам|командиров]].}}
  |This article describes the types of missions that can be found in World War battles. More information about participation in World War can be found in the [[World War: for Commanders|main article]].}}
Столкновение двух армий в Мировой войне начинает битву, задачи миссии в которой зависят от статуса армий и условий, при которых они столкнулись.
The clash of two armies in World War begins a battle in which the tasks of the mission depend on the status of the armies and the conditions they encounter.
Изначально между участниками битвы распределяется приоритетная техника, способная выполнить задачи миссии. Так, в случае сопровождения штурмовиков между участниками распределяются истребители сопровождения, а контроль над штурмовиками, являющимися целями миссии, берёт ИИ. Если все места в авиационных формациях и точках обороны для ИИ-техники заняты, но такие машины остались, они будут распределены между участниками в последнюю очередь.
Initially, the priority vehicles that can fulfill the mission tasks will be distributed between all participants in the battle. For example when escorting attack aircraft, fighter aircraft are distributed amongst the participants, and the AI takes control of the attackers which are the mission targets. If all positions in the aircraft formations and on the respawn points are occupied by AI, but such vehicles remain, they will be distributed among the player participants.
== Возможные типы миссий ==
Types of vehicles will depend upon each mission type and specific vehicles available will be listed in each mission within the game.
==Possible mission types ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (истребители).png|Истребители]] VS [[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (истребители).png|Истребители]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Fighter.png|Fighter]] VS [[File:World War - Fighter.png|Fighter]]
! colspan="2" |'''Воздушное превосходство'''
! colspan="2" |Air superiority
Битва двух истребительных армий, цель которой взаимное уничтожение и завоевание господства в воздухе.
| width="40%" |
Battle between two fighter aircraft armies, the target of which is mutual destruction and domination in the air.
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Fighters
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Fighter.png|Fighter]]  VS  [[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]
! colspan="2" |Cover / Interception
The attacking fighter aircraft army needs to focus on destroying the attacker/bomber wing with a limited amount of time to win. Covering fighters need to defend the attacker/bomber wing from the enemy.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Fighters
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Bombers
* Attackers
* Истребители
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (истребители).png|Истребители]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (штурмовики).png|Штурмовики]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (бомбардировщики).png|Бомбардировщики]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]  VS  [[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]
! colspan="2" |'''Прикрытие'''
! colspan="2" |Head-on Course
Атакующей истребительной армии для победы необходимо сконцентрироваться на уничтожении крыла штурмовиков/бомбардировщиков за ограниченное время. Истребителям прикрытия необходимо помешать атакующим.
| width="40%" |
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Истребители
Each team must escort the allied heavy aircraft wing to a given position. A victory will be awarded to the team that loses fewer heavy aircraft.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Fighters
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Бомбардировщики
* Bombers
* Штурмовики
* Attackers
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (штурмовики).png|Штурмовики]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (бомбардировщики).png|Бомбардировщики]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (штурмовики).png|Штурмовики]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (бомбардировщики).png|Бомбардировщики]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]  VS  [[File:World War - Motorized infantry.png|Motorized infantry]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Tank troops.png|Tank troops]]
! colspan="2" |'''Встречный курс'''
! colspan="2" |Column / Column Interception
Каждая из команд должна сопроводить союзное крыло тяжёлой авиации до заданной позиции. Победа присуждается команде, потерявшей меньше тяжёлых самолётов.
The attacking aircraft army needs to destroy the convoy of armoured vehicles and transports. The defending army must protect the vehicles by controlling SPAAG.
| width="40%" |
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Aircraft
* Aircraft
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Trucks
* Tanks
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |The defending team can receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]  VS  [[File:World War - landing squadron.png|Landing squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - boat squadron.png|Boat squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - cruisers squadron.png|Cruisers squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]]
! colspan="2" |Convoy / Convoy Interception
The attacking aircraft army needs to destroy the naval convoy. The defending army must protect the vehicles by controlling ships.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Aircraft
* Ships
* Aircraft
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Landing boats
* Any other ships in the army
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |The defending team may receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Helicopter.png|Helicopter]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]  VS  [[File:World War - Motorized infantry (trenched).png|Motorized infantry (trenched)]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Tank troops (trenched).png|Tank troops (trenched)]]
! colspan="2" |AA Defence / Air Raid
The attacking air force must destroy the enemy vehicles controlled by the AI. The defending side must protect the vehicles by controlling SPAAG.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Aircraft
* Истребители
* Aircraft
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Бомбардировщики
* Antitank guns
* Штурмовики
* Tanks and tank destroyers
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |The defending team can receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (штурмовики).png|Штурмовики]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (бомбардировщики).png|Бомбардировщики]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия.png|Пехотная армия]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия.png|Танковая армия]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - Helicopter.png|Helicopter]]<nowiki>  | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Assault Army.png|Assault Army]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - Bomber Army.png|Bomber Army]]  VS  [[File:World War - artillery.png|Artillery]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - coast artillery.png|Coast artillery]]
! colspan="2" |'''Конвой'''
! colspan="2" |AA Defence / Air Raid
Атакующей авиационной армии необходимо уничтожить колонну бронетехники и транспорта. Обороняющейся стороне необходимо защитить технику, управляя ЗСУ.
| width="40%" |
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Авиация
The attacking air force must destroy the enemy artillery. The defending side must defend the guns and artillery by controlling SPAAG.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Aircraft
* Авиация
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
* Aircraft
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Artillery
* Грузовики
* Танки
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Обороняющаяся сторона может получить подкрепление в виде авиационной армии.
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |The defending team can receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (штурмовики).png|Штурмовики]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (бомбардировщики).png|Бомбардировщики]] VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия (окопанная).png|Окопанная пехотная армия]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия (окопанная).png|Окопанная танковая армия]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
[[File:World War - Tank troops.png|Tank troops]]  VS  [[File:World War - Tank troops.png|Tank troops]]<hr>
[[File:World War - Motorized infantry.png|Motorized infantry]]  VS  [[File:World War - Motorized infantry.png|Motorized infantry]]
! colspan="2" |'''Противовоздушная оборона'''
! colspan="2" |Domination
Атакующей авиационной армии необходимо уничтожить оборонительные позиции противника. Обороняющейся стороне необходимо защитить технику, управляя ЗСУ.
Battle between two tank armies, the purpose of which is to capture and hold strategic points or achieve mutual destruction.
| width="40%" |
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Tanks
* Авиация
* Aircraft
* Авиация
'''Under the control of AI:'''
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
* Trucks
* Ground Vehicles
* Грузовики
* Танки
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Обороняющаяся сторона может получить подкрепление в виде авиационной армии.
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (штурмовики).png|Штурмовики]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[Файл:Мировая война - авиационная армия (бомбардировщики).png|Бомбардировщики]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - артиллерийская армия.png|Артиллерийская армия]]
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - cruisers squadron.png|Cruisers squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]]  VS  [[File:World War - cruisers squadron.png|Cruisers squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]]
! colspan="2" |'''Противовоздушная оборона'''
! colspan="2" |Conquest (fleet)
Атакующей авиационной армии необходимо уничтожить артиллерию противника. Обороняющейся стороне необходимо защитить орудия и артиллерию, управляя ЗСУ.
Battle between two naval armies the purpose of which is to capture and hold a single strategic point or mutual destruction.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Ships
| width="40%" |
* Aircraft
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Авиация
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]] VS [[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]]
[[File:World War - cruisers squadron.png|Cruisers squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]]  VS  [[File:World War - landing squadron.png|Landing squadron]]
! colspan="2" |Domination (fleet)
Battle between two naval armies the purpose of which is to capture and hold the strategic points or mutual destruction.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Ships
* Авиация
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
* Aircraft
* Артиллерия
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Обороняющаяся сторона может получить подкрепление в виде авиационной армии.
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - boat squadron.png|Boat squadron]]  VS  [[File:World War - boat squadron.png|Boat squadron]]
! colspan="2" |Battle (fleet)
Battle between two boat squadrons the purpose of which is to capture and hold the strategic points or mutual destruction.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Boats
* Aircraft
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
[[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия.png|Танковая армия]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия.png|Танковая армия]]<hr>
[[File:World War - Tank troops.png|Tank troops]]  VS  [[File:World War - Motorized infantry.png|Motorized infantry]]
[[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия.png|Пехотная армия]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия.png|Пехотная армия]]
! colspan="2" |'''Превосходство'''
! colspan="2" |Column / Column Interception
Битва двух танковых армий, цель которой захват и удержание стратегических точек или взаимное уничтожение.
| width="40%" |
The attacking tank army needs to destroy the armoured vehicles column. The defending side must protect the vehicles by controlling armoured vehicles.
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Танки
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Ground Vehicles
* Авиация
* Aircraft
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Trucks
* Грузовики
* Танки
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Обе стороны могут получить подкрепление в виде авиационной армии.
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |[[File:World War - boat squadron.png|Boat squadron]]  VS  [[File:World War - landing squadron.png|Landing squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - cruisers squadron.png|Cruisers squadron]]<nowiki> | </nowiki>[[File:World War - destroyer squadron.png|Destroyer squadron]]
! colspan="2" |Convoy / Convoy Interception
The attacking squadron must destroy the enemy naval convoy. The defending side is required to protect it.
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
* Ships (not boats)
* Aircraft
'''Under the control of AI:'''
* Landing boats
* Any other types of naval vessels in the army
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an aviation army.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
[[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия.png|Танковая армия]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия.png|Пехотная армия]]
[[File:World War - Tank troops.png|Tank troops]] | [[File:World War - Motorized infantry.png|Motorized infantry]]  VS  [[File:World War - Motorized infantry (trenched).png|Motorized infantry (trenched)]]
! colspan="2" |'''Конвой'''
! colspan="2" |Defence / Advance to Contact
Атакующей танковой армии необходимо уничтожить колонну бронетехники и транспорта. Обороняющейся стороне необходимо защитить технику, управляя бронетехникой.
The attacking army must capture the enemy fortified position for a limited time. The defending side must defend a single checkpoint.
| width="40%" |
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Ground Vehicles
* Танки
* Aircraft
* Авиация
'''Under the control of AI:'''
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
* Ground Vehicles
* Грузовики
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Обе стороны могут получить подкрепление в виде авиационной армии.
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;max-width:700px;"
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |
[[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия.png|Танковая армия]] VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия (окопанная).png|Окопанная пехотная армия]]  | [[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия (окопанная).png|Окопанная танковая армия]]<hr>
[[File:World War - Tank troops.png|Tank troops]] | [[File:World War - Motorized infantry.png|Motorized infantry]]  VS  [[File:World War - Tank troops (trenched).png|Tank troops (trenched)]]
[[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия.png|Пехотная армия]]  VS  [[Файл:Мировая война - пехотная армия (окопанная).png|Окопанная пехотная армия]]  | [[Файл:Мировая война - танковая армия (окопанная).png|Окопанная танковая армия]]
! colspan="2" |'''Оборона'''
! colspan="2" |Defense In Depth / Onslaught
Атакующей армии необходимо захватить укреплённую позицию противника за ограниченное время. Обороняющейся стороне необходимо защитить единственную контрольную точку.
The attacking army must consecutively capture two fortified enemy positions for a limited time. The defending side must defend at least the last checkpoint.
| width="40%" |
| width="40%" |'''Under the control of players:'''
'''Под управлением игроков:'''
* Ground Vehicles
* Танки
* Aircraft
* Авиация
'''Under the control of AI:'''
'''Под управлением ИИ:'''
* Ground Vehicles
* Танки
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Обе стороны могут получить подкрепление в виде авиационной армии.
| colspan="2" style="text-align:center;" |Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
|В Мировой войне существуют также автоматические битвы, которые начинаются, если в армии с одной из сторон недостаточно техники для распределения между 20 игроками, или артиллерийская армия подверглась нападению танковой, пехотной или наземная армия подверглась нападению истребительной.
|Some missions in World War run automatically without players. These battles are:
* Artillery vs Infantry or Tanks
* Fighters vs Infantry, Tanks, or Artillery
* Helicopters vs Fighters. Attackers, or Bombers
* Helicopters (except reinforcements) vs Infantry, Tanks
* Bombers vs Bombers
== Другие особенности ==
Also, a battle runs automatically if one of the armies does not have enough vehicles to distribute among 20 players.
Место столкновения на глобальной карте влияет на выбор локации для миссии. Так, например, сражение, начавшееся в городском секторе, пройдёт на локации с городской застройкой.
[[Категория:Мировая война]]
==Other features ==
The location of a clash on the global map influences the choice of location for the mission. Thus, for example, a battle that has begun in an urban sector will be held in a location with building development.
[[Category:World War]]

Latest revision as of 13:18, 7 February 2023

Msg-info.png This article describes the types of missions that can be found in World War battles. More information about participation in World War can be found in the main article.

The clash of two armies in World War begins a battle in which the tasks of the mission depend on the status of the armies and the conditions they encounter.

Initially, the priority vehicles that can fulfill the mission tasks will be distributed between all participants in the battle. For example when escorting attack aircraft, fighter aircraft are distributed amongst the participants, and the AI takes control of the attackers which are the mission targets. If all positions in the aircraft formations and on the respawn points are occupied by AI, but such vehicles remain, they will be distributed among the player participants.

Types of vehicles will depend upon each mission type and specific vehicles available will be listed in each mission within the game.

Possible mission types

Fighter VS Fighter
Air superiority

Battle between two fighter aircraft armies, the target of which is mutual destruction and domination in the air.

Under the control of players:
  • Fighters
Fighter VS Assault Army | Bomber Army
Cover / Interception

The attacking fighter aircraft army needs to focus on destroying the attacker/bomber wing with a limited amount of time to win. Covering fighters need to defend the attacker/bomber wing from the enemy.

Under the control of players:
  • Fighters

Under the control of AI:

  • Bombers
  • Attackers
Assault Army | Bomber Army VS Assault Army | Bomber Army
Head-on Course

Each team must escort the allied heavy aircraft wing to a given position. A victory will be awarded to the team that loses fewer heavy aircraft.

Under the control of players:
  • Fighters

Under the control of AI:

  • Bombers
  • Attackers
Assault Army | Bomber Army VS Motorized infantry | Tank troops
Column / Column Interception

The attacking aircraft army needs to destroy the convoy of armoured vehicles and transports. The defending army must protect the vehicles by controlling SPAAG.

Under the control of players:
  • Aircraft


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Trucks
  • Tanks
The defending team can receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Assault Army | Bomber Army VS Landing squadron | Boat squadron | Cruisers squadron | Destroyer squadron
Convoy / Convoy Interception

The attacking aircraft army needs to destroy the naval convoy. The defending army must protect the vehicles by controlling ships.

Under the control of players:
  • Aircraft
  • Ships


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Landing boats
  • Any other ships in the army
The defending team may receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Helicopter | Assault Army | Bomber Army VS Motorized infantry (trenched) | Tank troops (trenched)
AA Defence / Air Raid

The attacking air force must destroy the enemy vehicles controlled by the AI. The defending side must protect the vehicles by controlling SPAAG.

Under the control of players:
  • Aircraft


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Antitank guns
  • Tanks and tank destroyers
The defending team can receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Helicopter | Assault Army | Bomber Army VS Artillery | Coast artillery
AA Defence / Air Raid

The attacking air force must destroy the enemy artillery. The defending side must defend the guns and artillery by controlling SPAAG.

Under the control of players:
  • Aircraft


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Artillery
The defending team can receive reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Tank troops VS Tank troops

Motorized infantry VS Motorized infantry


Battle between two tank armies, the purpose of which is to capture and hold strategic points or achieve mutual destruction.

Under the control of players:
  • Tanks


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Trucks
  • Ground Vehicles
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Cruisers squadron | Destroyer squadron VS Cruisers squadron | Destroyer squadron
Conquest (fleet)

Battle between two naval armies the purpose of which is to capture and hold a single strategic point or mutual destruction.

Under the control of players:
  • Ships


  • Aircraft
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Destroyer squadron VS Destroyer squadron

Cruisers squadron | Destroyer squadron VS Landing squadron

Domination (fleet)

Battle between two naval armies the purpose of which is to capture and hold the strategic points or mutual destruction.

Under the control of players:
  • Ships


  • Aircraft
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Boat squadron VS Boat squadron
Battle (fleet)

Battle between two boat squadrons the purpose of which is to capture and hold the strategic points or mutual destruction.

Under the control of players:
  • Boats


  • Aircraft
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.

Tank troops VS Motorized infantry

Column / Column Interception

The attacking tank army needs to destroy the armoured vehicles column. The defending side must protect the vehicles by controlling armoured vehicles.

Under the control of players:
  • Ground Vehicles


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Trucks
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Boat squadron VS Landing squadron | Cruisers squadron | Destroyer squadron
Convoy / Convoy Interception

The attacking squadron must destroy the enemy naval convoy. The defending side is required to protect it.

Under the control of players:
  • Ships (not boats)


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Landing boats
  • Any other types of naval vessels in the army
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an aviation army.

Tank troops | Motorized infantry VS Motorized infantry (trenched)

Defence / Advance to Contact

The attacking army must capture the enemy fortified position for a limited time. The defending side must defend a single checkpoint.

Under the control of players:
  • Ground Vehicles


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Ground Vehicles
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.

Tank troops | Motorized infantry VS Tank troops (trenched)

Defense In Depth / Onslaught

The attacking army must consecutively capture two fortified enemy positions for a limited time. The defending side must defend at least the last checkpoint.

Under the control of players:
  • Ground Vehicles


  • Aircraft

Under the control of AI:

  • Ground Vehicles
Both sides can get reinforcements in the form of an air force.
Msg-info.png Some missions in World War run automatically without players. These battles are:
  • Artillery vs Infantry or Tanks
  • Fighters vs Infantry, Tanks, or Artillery
  • Helicopters vs Fighters. Attackers, or Bombers
  • Helicopters (except reinforcements) vs Infantry, Tanks
  • Bombers vs Bombers

Also, a battle runs automatically if one of the armies does not have enough vehicles to distribute among 20 players.

Other features

The location of a clash on the global map influences the choice of location for the mission. Thus, for example, a battle that has begun in an urban sector will be held in a location with building development.