Battle Pass: Season II, "Steel Centurion"

This article is about the second Battle Pass season. Season is available from February 24th to May 12th 2021.

Battle Pass levels


  • Level — a cell with a prize. Opens for 10 progress points.
  • Free — the award doesn't require Battle Pass to be received.
1350 WBFree
2RP booster
3Decal “Legio I Germanica”Free
4Silver Lions 
5400 WB, Warbond shop level IIFree
6SL booster
7Silver Lions Free
8Universal back-ups
9ITP (M-1) test-driveFree
10RP booster pack
11750 WB, Warbond shop level IIIFree
12SL booster pack
13RP boosterFree
14Vehicle activated on the account (T55E1)
15Universal back-upsFree
16Camouflage activated on the account (T55E1: Late bicolor camouflage)
17Silver Lions Free
19SL boosterFree
20Back-ups (Tanks, USA)
21Access to the season challengeFree
22Decal “Legio I Italica”
24RP booster pack
25750 WBFree
26SL booster pack
27Profile icon “Legionnaire”
28RP boosterFree
29Silver Lions 
30Battle Pass bonus pack (RP  boosters, Back-ups, Silver Lions )
31Decoration “Gladius”Free
32Universal back-ups
33Battle Pass bonus pack (SL Boosters, Back-ups, Silver Lions )
34SL boosterFree
35Silver Lions 
36RP booster
37750 WB, Warbond shop level IVFree
38Vehicle activated on the account (Z25)
39SL booster
40Access to the season challengeFree
41Camouflage activated on the account (Z25: Deforming camouflage)
42Back-ups (Ships, Germany)
44Decal “Legio IIII Flavia Felix”
45Battle Pass bonus pack (RP Boosters, Back-ups, Silver Lions )
46Silver Lions Free
47Profile icon “Optio”
48750 WBFree
50Coupon for vehicle (ITP (M-1))Free
51RP booster
52Silver Lions 
53SL booster
54Coupon for camouflage (ITP (M-1): Winter camouflage)Free
55Battle Pass bonus pack ( Boosters, Back-ups, Silver Lions )
56RP booster
57Silver Lions 
58750 WB, Warbond shop level VFree
59Decal “Legio III Cyrenaica”
60Access to the season challengeFree
61SL booster
62Battle Pass bonus pack (RP boosters, Back-ups, Silver Lions )
63Decoration “Centurion helmet”
64Back-ups (Aircraft, USSR)Free
66Universal back-ups
67Silver Lions 
68Profile icon “Centurion”Free
69RP booster
71Decoration “Scutum shield”
72SL boosterFree
73Battle Pass bonus pack ( boosters, Back-ups, Silver Lions )
74Universal back-ups
75Coupon for vehicle (Centurion Mk.5/1 (RAAC))
76-7880 WB
79Coupon for camouflage (Centurion Mk.5/1 (RAAC): "Ancient" camouflage)
80-9980 WB80, 85, 90, 95 Free
100Loading screen “The Atomic Tank”Free
101-149100 WB110, 120, 130, 140 Free
150Title “Primus Pilus”Free
151 upwards80 WBFree

Season challenges

Veni, vidi, viciWin a specified number of battles with destroying at least one enemy vehicle50 battles
Primus PilusFinish a specified number of battles on the 1st place in a team7 battles
Sol lucet omnibusFinish 25 battles on each type of vehicle: aircraft, ground vehicles, fleetAviation, Army, Fleet
Quia nominor leoReceive a specified number of the streaks from the list10 achievements First strike! / Final blow!
Challenge of Spurius LigustinReceive a specified number of the streaks from the list30 achievements Professional
Plenus GradusDestroy a specified number of enemy vehicles250 vehicles
Alea iacta estDestroy or help allied players to destroy a specified number of enemy vehicles using the Season's premium vehicles40 vehicles
Bellum omnium contra omnesDestroy 10 enemy vehicles of another type of military branchesAir, Ground and Sea
Challenge of Numerius GranoniusReceive a specified number of the streaks from the list6 achievements Hero of the Sky / Heavy Metal Hero / Terror of the Sea
Morituri te salutantMake a specified number of the critical hits100 critical hits
Per aspera ad astraWin a specified number of battles50 victories
Dum spiro, speroDestroy a specified number of enemy vehicles while your vehicle is critically damaged or on fire30 vehicles
Challenge of Antonio NasoniFinish a specified number of battles while being in the Top-3 of your team5 battles
Citius, Altius, Fortius!Destroy 1 enemy vehicle with each specified weapon typesArtillery strike, Bomb, Rocket (unguided), ATGM/AShM, Torpedo, Depth charge
Aquila non captat muscasDestroy a specified number of enemy vehicles that are at least 1.0 battle rating higher than your vehicle20 vehicles
Two eras of CenturionsWin 10 battles on British and Italian vehicles each.Britain, Italy
AnabasisComplete all the Season's Challenges16 challenges
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