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Rank 7 USA
F-5C Pack
This page is about the premium American medium tank T54E1. For the other version, see T54E2.
GarageImage T54E1.jpg
ArtImage T54E1.png
8.0 8.0 8.0
Purchase:8 560 Specs-Card-Eagle.png
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The T54E1, officially 105 mm Gun Tank T54E1, is a premium rank V American medium tank with a battle rating of 8.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was introduced in Update 1.81 "The Valkyries".

At first glance this tank looks very similar to the M48 and M103, since it's built on an M48 hull, but with a rather different turret. The reason for this is because it is an oscillating turret, like the ones found on contemporary french tanks like the AMX-50. The main feature which sets this tank apart from other Rank V American tanks is the automatic loader. This tank features a drum-type automatic loader, similar to the ones found on french tanks like the AMX-50 and Lorraine 40t.

Thus, the T54E1 inherits the hull armour of the M48, but combines it with a powerful 105 mm gun, and an automatic loader.

General info

Survivability and armour

Armourfront / side / back
Hull110 / 76 / 35
Turret127 / 64 / 51
Crew4 people
Visibility100 %

Armour type:

  • Cast homogeneous armour (Hull, Turret)
  • Rolled homogeneous armour (Rear (low), Roof)
Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 85-200 mm (59-74°) Front glacis
63-200 mm (13-60°) Lower glacis
76 mm (8-43°) Front
51 mm (0-43°) Rear
35 mm (26-32°) Top
25 mm (61-62°) Bottom
25.4-57 mm
Turret 90 - 127 mm (0-65°) Turret front 64-127 mm (13-23°) 51 mm (0-80°) 25-100 mm
Cupola 64 mm 64 mm 64 mm 25 mm


  • Parts of the turret side armour are also protected by an additional layer of 64 mm
  • The turret ring is 127 mm thick all-round
  • The mantlet ring is 200 mm thick
  • Suspension wheels are 15 mm thick, and tracks are 20 mm.
  • Belly armour is 38 mm.


Speedforward / back
AB49 / 10 km/h
RB and SB44 / 9 km/h
Number of gears6 forward
2 back
Weight54.4 t
Engine power
AB1 545 hp
RB and SB810 hp
Power-to-weight ratio
AB28.4 hp/t
RB and SB14.9 hp/t
Game Mode Max Speed (km/h) Weight (tons) Engine power (horsepower) Power-to-weight ratio (hp/ton)
Forward Reverse Stock Upgraded Stock Upgraded
Arcade 49 10 54.4 1,255 1,545 23.07 28.4
Realistic 44 9 716 810 13.16 14.89

Modifications and economy

Repair cost
AB3 162 Sl icon.png
RB3 446 Sl icon.png
SB4 734 Sl icon.png
Crew training10 000 Sl icon.png
Experts550 000 Sl icon.png
Aces1 300 Ge icon.png
Research Aces1 600 000 Rp icon.png
Reward for battleAB / RB / SB
Talisman.png 2 × 140 / 200 / 250 % Sl icon.png
Talisman.png 2 × 208 / 208 / 208 % Rp icon.png
Mobility Protection Firepower
Mods new tank traks.png
Mods new tank suspension.png
Mods new tank break.png
Brake System
Mods new tank filter.png
Mods new tank transmission.png
Mods new tank engine.png
Mods tank tool kit.png
Improved Parts
Mods extinguisher.png
Improved FPE
Mods tank reinforcement us.png
Crew Replenishment
Mods new tank horizontal aiming.png
Horizontal Drive
Mods tank cannon.png
Adjustment of Fire
Mods new tank vertical aiming.png
Elevation Mechanism
Mods tank ammo.png
Mods night vision device.png
Mods art support.png
Artillery Support
Mods tank ammo.png
Mods tank rangefinder.png


Reduces the error and increases the maximum measurable distance of the rangefinder
Night vision device
Improves visibility by enhancing natural light or active illumination.

Main armament

Automatically feeds projectiles into the breech. The speed does not depend on the skills of the loader
Ammunition36 rounds
First-order9 rounds
Reload5.0 s
Vertical guidance-8° / 13°
Main article: T140E2 (105 mm)
105 mm T140E2 Turret rotation speed (°/s) Reloading rate (seconds)
Mode Capacity Vertical Horizontal Stabilizer Stock Upgraded Full Expert Aced Stock Full Expert Aced
Arcade 36 -8°/+13° ±180° N/A 17.14 23.72 28.80 31.85 33.88 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Realistic 10.71 12.60 15.30 16.92 18.00


Penetration statistics
Ammunition Type of
Penetration @ 0° Angle of Attack (mm)
10 m 100 m 500 m 1,000 m 1,500 m 2,000 m
T182E1 APBC 266 262 245 226 208 191
T279 APDS 434 429 407 382 359 336
T298E1 HEATFS 380 380 380 380 380 380
Shell details
Ammunition Type of
mass (kg)
Fuse delay
Fuse sensitivity
Explosive mass
(TNT equivalent) (kg)
0% 50% 100%
T182E1 APBC 1,067 15.9 - - - 47° 60° 65°
T279 APDS 1,554 4.5 - - - 75° 78° 80°
T298E1 HEATFS 1,128 10.2 0.05 0.1 1.57 65° 72° 77°

Ammo racks

Ammo racks of the T54E1
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
rack empty
36 27 (+9) 17 (+19) 10 (+26) (+35) No


  • Shells are modeled individually and disappear after having been shot or loaded.
  • Rack 4 (autoloader magazine) is a first stage ammo rack. It totals 9 shells.
    • This racks gets filled first when loading up the tank and is also emptied first.
    • As the T54E1 is equipped with an autoloader, manual reloading of the gun is not possible.
    • Once the autoloader magazines has been depleted, you can't shoot until the loader has restocked the autoloader. The restocking time is longer than the normal reload time of the gun. Take this into account when playing.
    • Simply not firing when the gun is loaded will move ammo from racks 1 to 3 into rack 4. Firing will interrupt the restocking of the ready racks.
    • The depletion order at full capacity is: 4 - 1 - 2 - 3.

Machine guns

Ammunition1 000 rounds
Belt capacity200 rounds
Reload8.0 s
Fire rate575 shots/min
Vertical guidance-10° / 30°
Horizontal guidance-60° / 60°
Ammunition3 000 rounds
Belt capacity250 rounds
Reload8.0 s
Fire rate500 shots/min
12.7 mm M2HB
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Pintle 1,000 (200) 577 -10°/+30° ±60°
7.62 mm M1919A4
Mount Capacity (Belt) Fire rate Vertical Horizontal
Coaxial 3,000 (250) 500 N/A N/A

Usage in battles

Since this tank is based on the hull of the M48, it inherits that tank's mediocre armour and top speed. But unlike the M48, this tank features a powerful 105 mm gun, meaning you'll have no problem penetrating the armour of enemy tanks. Unlike tanks with the 105 mm L7/M68 gun, this tank also has a powerful APBC round, which can be used to destroy opponents with weaker armour, like the Leopard I, or when shooting tanks from the side. This round, when it penetrates, is much more damaging than the HEATFS round because it creates much more spalling. For opponents with armour the APBC round can't penetrate, like the frontal armour on most Soviet tanks, the HEATFS round is the most effective. Thanks to its very fast automatic loader this reloads almost twice as fast as most manually loaded tanks, meaning you'll be able to dish out serious damage in a very short time. It also means you're much better at recovering from a missed shot, since you'll be able to shoot again in just five seconds. You will have to make sure you won't empty the drum magazine of the automatic loader, since it takes more than 20 seconds to reload a single round from one of the other ammunition racks into the autoloader.

Knowing this, this tank is best played in a support role, destroying tanks for your teammates, but not actively participating in close-range brawls with enemy tanks. It can be used in a flanking role, but due to its mediocre top speed it's vulnerable to being flanked itself and isn't capable of reaching good ambush positions before the enemy does.

Pros and cons


  • Very fast reload, thanks to its autoloader this tank has a 5.0 seconds reload
  • High-penetrating HEATFS plus a hard-hitting solid shot round
  • Good acceleration
  • The APDS round is slightly better than the ones found on the M60 and other 105 mm L7/M68 armed tanks
  • Like most other American tanks, this tank is fitted with a 50 cal machine gun, which is effective against lightly armoured vehicles and planes


  • Once the first-stage ammunition stowage has been depleted, the reload time increases drastically. This can be avoided by reloading at a capture point, since rounds replenished on a capture point automatically go into the first stage ammunition rack
  • Mediocre top speed, most contemporary tanks outpace it
  • The armour doesn't really protect against HEATFS and APDS, both of which it'll commonly face
  • No stabilizer, making aiming while on the move difficult
  • No thermal optics



In December 1950, the Army recommended that a 105 mm tank cannon was to be developed for possible use on a T48 hull. A project for the fitting of a 105 mm cannon on two different versions of a T48-based tank was officially started on 6 July 1951 by OTCM 33842. Both designs used the T48 hull but they had different turrets. The first version was to have a conventional turret design and was designated as 105 mm Gun Tank T54, the second was to have an oscillating turret design and was designated as the 105 mm Gun Tank T54E1.

The 105 mm gun developed for the project was designated as the 105 mm Gun T140, a derivative of the earlier 105 mm Gun T5E2. Compared to the T5E2, the T140 used single piece ammunition instead of two piece ammunition and it also had a lighter weight. The 105 mm T140 had an inverted breech that would open upwards and close downwards to allow use with automatic loading systems. When modified to be mounted in the oscillating turret of the T54E1 the gun was designated as the T140E2.

The United Shoe Machinery Corporation was given a contract for the production of two T54E1 pilot vehicles. The hulls were given to the United Shoe Machinery Corporation from M48 production lines.


No sooner than the M48 Patton began being issued to armoured units, American engineers already started working on potential improvements to its design. In particular, engineers focused on upgrading the vehicle's firepower. This in turn, lead to the creation of the T54, a new vehicle based on the M48's chassis.

Initially, two versions of prototypes were planned, but a lighter and cheaper third one was proposed in 1952. All three versions of the T54 were armed with a modified version of the T5 105 mm gun, but featured different turrets and gun loading methods. The T54E1 was the second prototype, equipped with an oscillating turret similar to the ones found on contemporary French tanks, and a drum-fed autoloading mechanism with a capacity of 9 rounds.

By 1957, all three prototype versions had undergone comprehensive testing at Fort Knox and the Aberdeen proving grounds. However, as the interest of the Army shifted towards the more promising T95 project, the decision was made to cancel the T54 project in 1957. A total of less than a dozen T54s were constructed, of which two were T54E1s.



See also

Related development

External links

U.S. Army Ordnance Department/Corps*
Light tanks  T18E2 · M24 (Designed in collaboration with Cadillac)
M3 Stuart  M3 · M3A1 Stuart · M3A1 (USMC)
M5 Stuart  M5A1
Medium tanks  M3 Lee
M4 Sherman  M4 · M4A1 · M4A2 · M4A3 (105) · Calliope
  M4A1 (76) W · M4A2 (76) W · M4A3 (76) W
M26 Pershing  T20 · T25 · M26 · M26E1 · M26 T99
Patton Series  M46 · M46 "Tiger" · M47
Prototypes  T54E1 · T95E1
Heavy tanks  M103
M4 Jumbo  M4A3E2 · Cobra King · M4A3E2 (76) W
M6 Heavy  M6A1 · M6A2E1 · T1E1
M26 Pershing  T26E1-1 · T26E5
Prototypes  T14
T29  T29 · T30 · T34
T-32  T32 · T32E1
Tank destroyers  M3 GMC · M10 GMC · M56
M36 GMC  M36 GMC · M36B2
Prototypes  T28 · T95
Production  M19 MGMC · M42
Export/Captured  ␗M8 HMC · SU-57
Stuart  Stuart I · Stuart III · ␗M3A3 Stuart · ␗M3A3 (1st PTG) · ▄M3A3 · ▄M3A3 Stuart · ▃Stuart VI (5th CAD) · ␗M5A1
Lee/Grant  ▂M3 Medium · ▃Grant I · Grant I
M4 Sherman  Sherman II · ▄M4A1 · ␗M4A1 (75) W · ▀M4 748 (a) · ▂M4A2 · ▄M4A3 (105) · ▅M4A3 (76) W · ▄M4A3E2
  ␗M4A4 · ␗M4A4 (1st PTG) · ▄Sherman V · ▄M4A4 · ▄Sherman I Composito
M26 Pershing  M26 "D.C.Ariete" · M26A1
M47 Patton  mKPz M47 G · ▅M47
M10 GMC  ␗M10 GMC · ▄M10 GMC
M36 GMC  ␗M36 GMC · M36B1 · ▅M36 · ▄M36B2
M19 MGMC  ▅M19A1
M42 MGMC  ▅M42 · ␗M42
  *The Ordnance Department was renamed to the Ordnance Corps after the Army Reorganization Act of 1950.

USA medium tanks
M2  M2
M3  M3 Lee · ▃Grant I
M4  M4 · Calliope · M4A1 · M4A1 (76) W · M4A2 · M4A2 (76) W · M4A3 (105) · M4A3 (76) W · M4/T26
M26 Pershing  T20 · T25 · M26 · M26 T99 · M26E1
M46/47/48 Patton  M46 · M46 "Tiger" · M47 · M48A1 · T54E1 · T54E2
M60  M60 · M60A1 (AOS) · M60A1 RISE (P) · M60A2 · M60A3 TTS · M728 CEV · 120S
MBT-70  MBT-70 · XM803
M1 Abrams  XM1 (Chrysler) · XM1 (GM)
  M1 Abrams · M1 KVT · IPM1
  M1A1 · M1A1 HC · M1A1 Click-Bait
  M1A2 Abrams · M1A2 SEP · M1A2 SEP V2
Other  T95E1
Australia  M1A1 AIM
Canada  M4A5
Israel  ▃Magach 3 (ERA) · ▃Merkava Mk.1 · ▃Merkava Mk.2B · ▃Merkava Mk.3D
Turkey  M60 AMBT

USA premium ground vehicles
Light tanks  LVT(A)(4) · M2A4 (1st Arm.Div.) · M3A1 (USMC) · ▃Stuart VI (5th CAD) · M8 LAC · M8A1 GMC
  M18 "Black Cat" · Super Hellcat · T18E2 · M551(76) · T114 · M1128 Wolfpack
Medium tanks  ▃Grant I · M4A5 · Calliope · T20 · M26 T99 · M26E1 · M46 "Tiger" · T54E1 · T54E2 · ▃Magach 3 (ERA) · M728 CEV
  XM1 (GM) · XM1 (Chrysler) · M1 KVT · M1A1 Click-Bait
Heavy tanks  T14 · Cobra King · M6A2E1 · T29 · T30
Tank destroyers  T28 · T55E1