Bluewater Fleet
RN Leone
Battle rating
Game nation
Main role
Kingdom of Italy
Operator country
General information

The RN Leone was the first of the Leone-class destroyers, laid down 23 November 1921, launched 1 October, completed and put into service on 11 July 1924. She was at first placed in the Divisione Leggera dell'Armata Navale, and then in the Divisione da Battaglia where it carried out the training of the crew. With the entry into service of the sisters RN Tigre and RN Pantera, the Gruppo Autonomo Esporatori Leggeri was formed. The RN Leone in its operative history continued to make training and navigation missions, until the beginning of the Ethiopian War where it participated escort and attack missions on the coast of Ethiopia. During the Second World War, it made a few missions in which it had to defend the Italian colonies, but in 1940 the situation was precipitating very fast and it had to abandon the Italian colonies. On 1st April 1941 at 00:30, the RN Leone collided with a reef not marked on the charts, creating a gash in the hull and a fire in boiler room 4, the RN Tigre and RN Pantera in the meantime began to rescue the crew of the RN Leone. The ship was unrecoverable and was scuttled.

Introduced in Update "Direct Hit", RN Leone is a premium Italian destroyer. Being a WWI design, she is very lacklustre when compared to other ships of the same battle rating. The main armament is also unique in that the ship has access to APHE rounds unlike any other destroyer armed with calibres smaller than 150 mm. However, the rate of fire of 7 rounds per minute is lower than contemporaries. The magazines of the ship are located above the waterline right under the turrets, making it very vulnerable to fatal detonation. The anti- air armament is mediocre, composed by only two 40 mm pom-poms. Her torpedoes are quite fast with average payload but very limited range of 4 km which make their use very situational.


Main fire tower 12 / 12 / 0 mm
Hull 16 mm (steel)
Superstructure 4 mm (steel)
Number of sections 7
Displacement 2,648 t
Crew 206 persons
Max speed
Forward 63547757 km/h
Backward 28243425 km/h
Primary armament
4 × Turret — 2 × 120 mm/45 Canet-Schneider-Armstrong cannon mod.1918-19
Ammunition 1,600 rounds
Reload basic crew → aces
11.2 → 8.6 s
Vertical guidance -10 / 32°
Turret Rotation Speed
Horizontal 1512.81512.8 °/s
Vertical 1512.81512.8 °/s

AmmunitionTypeArmor penetration (mm) at a distance:
1000 m2500 m5000 m7500 m10000 m15000 m
Secondary armament
2 × Turret — 40 mm/39 Vickers-Terni mod.1915/1917, Modif.1930 autocannon
Ammunition 3,000 rounds
Belt capacity 50 rounds
Reload basic crew → aces
4.5 → 3.5 s
Fire rate 200 shots/min
Vertical guidance -5 / 80°
Turret Rotation Speed
Horizontal 3025.53025.5 °/s
Vertical 2420.42420.4 °/s

BeltBelt fillingArmor penetration (mm) at a distance:
10 m100 m500 m1000 m1500 m2000 m
Anti-aircraft armament
2 × Turret — 2 × 13.2 mm Breda Model 31 machine gun
Ammunition 12,000 rounds
Belt capacity 30 rounds
Reload basic crew → aces
2.6 → 2 s
Fire rate 500 shots/min
Vertical guidance -11 / 85°
Turret Rotation Speed
Horizontal 7563.87563.8 °/s
Vertical 6555.36555.3 °/s

BeltBelt fillingArmor penetration (mm) at a distance:
10 m100 m500 m1000 m1500 m2000 m
Additional armament
Setup 1 4 × 533 mm steam turbined torpedo S.I. 250/533,4X7,5 Tipo A
Repair cost Basic → Reference
AB 1,528 → 1,986 SL
RB 2,325 → 3,023 SL
Crew training 6,300 SL
Experts 22,000 SL
Aces 250 GE
Research Aces 220,000 RP
Reward multiplier AB / RB
140 / 320 % SL
124 % RP
Total cost of modifications 10,390 RP
13,710 SL
Talisman cost 750 GE

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