Light cruiser scout planes

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Light cruisers are pretty awesome, but having scout planes on it is even more awesome. The advantages of having a scout plane are well, as expected. They do what they are named for, they scout out enemy positions so you and your team can have a preference of where and when to strike.

Some of the scout planes are as listed. The SOC-1, Osprey Mk. IV, Walrus Mk. I, Arado 196, and lastly the KOR-1. These scout planes are included in the Germany country, American, and Japanese. They are only for Light cruisers at the moment, though, that may change in the future. Just some of the light Cruisers that have Scout planes are the IJN Agano, USS Helena, and the USS Detroit. Keep in mind that those are just some of the many Light Cruisers that have Scout planes. I hope this answered some of your questions, Keep on grinding!