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{{Userbox/Favorite vehicle|us_m1a2_abrams|country rank}}
{{Userbox/Favorite vehicle|it_of_40_mtca}}
{{Userbox/Favorite vehicle|f3h-2|country rank}}
{{Userbox/Favorite vehicle|germ_leopard_c2_mexas|country}}
{{Userbox/Favorite vehicle|it_of_40_mk_2a|country|}}
== Suggestions ==
== Links to my projects ==
[[User:U95595778/American Vehicles Missing in the US Tech Tree|American Vehicles Missing in the US Tech Tree]]
=== '''Total Suggestions:''' 36 ===
[[User:U95595778/Improved US Ground Tree|Improved US Ground Tree]]
== Vehicles I most want in WT ==
=== Tanks ===
==== American ====
Stingray II
T249 Vigilante
==== Italian ====
Centauro II
Leone MBT
==== Swedish ====
CV90 Mk IV
CV90105 XC-8
Ikv 105
Ikv 91 (Prototype)
Ikv 91 (40 mm)
==== German ====
Leopard 2 PSO
==== French ====
Mars 15
==== Chinese ====
== American Vehicles ==
Here I will list out all the American vehicles that could come to War Thunder, that I am aware of. There will of course be vehicles that I am not aware of that will be missing, but over time those will become less common.
<span style="color:#009900"> Green</span> = Vehicles already in the American tech tree.
<span style="color:#FF8C00"> Orange</span> = Vehicles in a different tech tree but not the American tree.
<span style="color:#990000"> Red </span> = Vehicles that need forum suggestions.
Black/Normal = Vehicles that have been officially suggested through forums but are not in the game yet.
=== Tracked Vehicles ===
==== Light Tanks ====
{{Navigation-Start|Light Tanks}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''CTLS'''}} CTM-3TBD {{-}} CTMS-1TB1
{{Navigation-Line|}} MTLS-1G14
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M2 Light'''}} M2 {{-}} M2A1 {{-}} M2A2 {{-}} M2A3
{{Navigation-Line|}} M2A4
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M3 Stuart'''}} M3 (Early) {{-}} M3 (Mid) {{-}} M3 (Late) {{-}} M3A1
{{Navigation-Line|}} M3A3
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M5 Stuart'''}} M5 {{-}} M5A1 {{-}} M5A1E1
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M24 Chaffee'''}} T24 {{-}} T24E1 {{-}} M24
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T37'''}} T37
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M41 Walker Bulldog'''}} M41
{{Navigation-Line|}} M41A1
{{Navigation-Line|}} M41A2 {{-}} M41A3
{{Navigation-Line|}} M41 (XM551 turret) {{-}} M41 (Stingray turret)
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T92'''}} T92
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M551 Sheridan'''}} XM551 {{-}} M551 {{-}} M551 "Two Box" {{-}} M551A1 {{-}} M551A1 TTS
{{Navigation-Line|}} M551 (76 mm) {{-}} Sheridan AGS
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''HIMAG'''}} HIMAG
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''ELKE'''}} ELKE
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''HSTV-L'''}} HSTV-L
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''RDF/LT'''}} RDF/LT Block 1 {{-}} RDF/LT Block 2 {{-}} RDF/LT Block 3 {{-}} RDF/LT Block 4
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Stingray'''}} Stingray {{-}} Stingray AGS
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Stingray II'''}} Stingray II {{-}} Stingray II (LAV-105 turret)
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M8 AGS'''}} CCV-L
{{Navigation-Line|}} XM8/M8 AGS {{-}} M8 MPF
{{Navigation-Line|}} M8 Thunderbolt
==== Medium Tanks ====
==== Heavy Tanks ====
==== Main Battle Tanks ====
{{Navigation-Start|Main Battle Tanks}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M48 Patton'''}} T48-1 {{-}} T48-2 {{-}} T48-3
{{Navigation-Line|}} M48 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M48A1 </span> {{-}} M48A2 {{-}} <span style="color:#FF8C00"> M48A2C </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} M48A3 {{-}} M48A3 Mod.B
{{Navigation-Line|}} M48A4
{{Navigation-Line|}} M48A5 {{-}} M48A5E1 {{-}} M48A5PI
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T54'''}} T54 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> T54E1 </span> {{-}} T54E2
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T95'''}} T95 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> T95E1 </span> {{-}} T95E2 {{-}} T95E3 {{-}} T95E8
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M60'''}} XM60 Pilot 1 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M60 </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} M60E1 {{-}} M60A1 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M60A1 AOS </span> {{-}} M60A1 AOS+ {{-}} M60A1 RISE {{-}} M60A1 RISE+ {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M60A1 RISE Passive </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} M60A1E1 {{-}} M60A1E2 {{-}} M60A1E3 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M60A2 </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} M60A3 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M60A3 TTS </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} M60AX {{-}} 120S
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''MBT-70'''}} <span style="color:#009900"> MBT-70 </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> XM803 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M1 Abrams'''}} <span style="color:#009900"> XM-1 (GM) </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> XM-1 (C) </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} <span style="color:#009900"> M1 </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M1IP </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}} M1E1 {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M1A1 </span> {{-}} M1A1HA {{-}} M1A1HC {{-}} M1A1D {{-}} M1A2 AIM v.1 {{-}} M1A1 SA/AIM v.2(?) {{-}} M1A1 FEP {{-}} M1A1 (AIDATS)
{{Navigation-Line|}} <span style="color:#009900"> M1A2 </span> {{-}} M1A2 SEP {{-}} M1A2 SEPv2 {{-}} M1A2 SEPv3
{{Navigation-Line|}} M1 TTB {{-}} M1 CATTB {{-}} M1 Thumper
==== Tracked Tank Destroyers ====
==== Tracked Anti-Aircraft Vehicles ====
==== Tracked Artillery Vehicles ====
==== Tracked Engineering Vehicles ====
=== Wheeled Vehicles ===
These lists consist of wheeled vehicles. In order to be included on this list, the vehicle must have some anti-tank or anti-aircraft capability.
==== Armored Cars ====
This list includes general armored cars designed for reconnaissance and infantry support.
{{Navigation-Start|Armored Cars}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T13'''}} T13 {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> T13E1 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T17 Deerhound'''}}T17
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T19'''}}T19 {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> T19E1 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T22'''}}T22 {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> T22E1 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M8 Greyhound'''}} <span style="color:#009900"> M8 (Early) </span> {{-}} M8 (Late) {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> M8E1 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M38 Wolfhound'''}}M38
{{Navigation-Line|}} M38 (75 mm M6)
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''LAV-25'''}} LAV-25 {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> LAV-25A1 </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> LAV-25A2 </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> LAV-25A3 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Stryker'''}}M1296 Dragoon {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> Stryker A1 MCWS </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> Stryker 3030 Crada </span>
{{Navigation-End}} <noinclude>
==== Wheeled Tank Destroyers ====
This list includes wheeled tank destroyers, whether they use guns or anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) as the primary armament.
{{Navigation-Start|Wheeled Tank Destroyers}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T55 GMC'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> T55 GMC </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> T55E1 GMC </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T66 GMC'''}}<span style="color:#990000"> T66 GMC </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Jeep'''}}M6 GMC
{{Navigation-Line|}} M38A1C (105 mm M27A1) {{-}} M38A1C (76 mm M40A1)
{{Navigation-Line|}} <span style="color:#990000"> M38A1C (XSSM-A-23) </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> M38A1C (MGM-21A) </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T8 GMC'''}}<span style="color:#990000"> T8 GMC </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T2 GMC'''}}<span style="color:#990000"> T2 GMC </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> T2E1 GMC </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''M151 MUTT'''}}<span style="color:#990000"> M151A1C </span> {{-}} M825
{{Navigation-Line|}}M151A2 (TOW) {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> M151A2 FAV (TOW II) </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''HMMWV'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> M966 </span> {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> M1036 </span> {{-}} M1045 {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> M1046 </span> {{-}} M1167
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''LAV-25'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> LAV (75 mm XM274 ARES) </span> {{-}} LAV-105
{{Navigation-Line|}}LAV-AT {{-}} LAV-ATA1 {{-}} LAV-ATM
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Stryker'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> Stryker (Javelin) </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}}XM1128 {{-}} M1128 MGS (Pre-Production) {{-}} <span style="color:#009900"> M1128 MGS </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}}M1134 {{-}} <span style="color:#990000"> M1253 </span>
==== Wheeled Anti-Aircraft Vehicles ====
This list includes wheeled anti-aircraft vehicles, whether they use guns or missiles as the primary armament.
{{Navigation-Start|Wheeled SPAA Vehicles}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Tucker Combat Car'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> Tucker Tiger </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T69 MGMC'''}} T69 MGMC
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Jeep'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> Jeep (T54 Mount) </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''LAV-25'''}} LAV-AD
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Stryker'''}}<span style="color:#990000"> Stryker A1 IM-SHORAD {{-}} Stryker MSL </span>
==== Wheeled Artillery Vehicles ====
This list includes wheeled artillery vehicles. So far, this list only includes a rocket artillery vehicle.
{{Navigation-Start|Wheeled Rocket Artillery Vehicles}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''Jeep'''}} Jeep (T36 Launcher)
==== Wheeled Vehicles (Export) ====
This list includes wheeled vehicles that were designed and built in the US for export to foreign nations, including prototypes. The list includes wheeled vehicles of all types, from armored cars to anti-aircraft vehicles.
{{Navigation-Start|Wheeled Vehicles (Export)}}
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T17 Staghound'''}} <span style="color:#990000"> T17 {{-}} T17E3 </span>
{{Navigation-Line|}}<span style="color:#FF8C00"> T17E2 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''T18 Boarhound'''}}<span style="color:#990000"> T18 {{-}} </span> <span style="color:#009900"> T18E2 </span>
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''V-150'''}} V-150 (90 mm Cockerill Mk3) {{-}} V-150 (90 mm Mecar)
{{Navigation-Line|}}V-150 (20 mm M61)
{{Navigation-First-Line|'''LAV-300'''}}LAV-300 (90 mm Cockerill)
{{Navigation-Line|}}LAV-300 (TOW)
{{Navigation-Line|}}LAV-300 (20 mm M61)
=== Halftracks ===

Latest revision as of 23:01, 26 April 2021

Icons Forum.png
This member has a page on the game forum.
Icons Windows.png
This member plays War Thunder on Windows
it_of_40_mtca.png This member considers Carro Armato OTO Melara OF-40 (MTCA) the best tank in game.

Links to my projects

American Vehicles Missing in the US Tech Tree

Improved US Ground Tree